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Name|Piscine Sawyer
Nickname| Pi (she tends to go by this more than her real name)
Age| 19
Gender| Female
Sexuality| Heterosexual

Appearance| Piscine is a very slim, athletic woman, and stands at a height of 5'3". She has a heart shaped face, with almond shaped eyes, a 'snub' nose shape, and thin, sharp heart shaped lips. She has ivory skin splattered in freckles across her nose and cheeks, and green hazel eyes. She has thick, dirty blonde hair that- when she's not 'Pi'- would fall to her shoulders in a wavy pageboy style.
In terms of clothing, Piscine dresses in what's practically drag- she binds her chest with a white elastic binder she made herself. She wears this underneath a navy blue men's dress shirt with an unfolded color and the top two buttons undone (with the hem of it being tucked into her trousers), high waisted black trousers with the legs rolled up to an inch or two below her knee, grey socks rolled down, and simple grey sneakers/'keds'. She keeps her hair tucked up into a dark grey newsboy cap and she has a red sash tied firmly around the waistline of her trousers.

Personality| Piscine, simply put, is a very fierce, free-spirited, resourceful person. She refuses to let herself go down without a fight, even against those that clearly have the upper hand; she would much rather die trying her damn hardest than live as a coward. She's a very loyal and dedicated person to whatever she believes is right, and isn't afraid to show it; this makes her a good friend and a formidable foe.
However, she should also be known for her almost secretive nature- she's very careful about keeping her real identity hidden from... quite a few people, actually, which causes her to seem distant. However, she truly can make up for this; if she lets you close, she truly proves herself to be a warm and joyous person. It all just depends on the situation and who she's around.

Weapon(s)| She has a montante sword and a dagger, the latter of which she keeps tucked in her binder. She isn't a Hamon user.

•Resourcefulness: 'Pi' thinks fast on her feet and can normally find a way to use her surroundings to her advantage.
•Quick Reflexes: She has knee jerk reactions to most situations, and is known for her fast reaction times.
•Sword-Fighting: Piscine has spent most of her life training with blades, and is a master with them as a result; she can work with most swords, and in close combat she proves to be a decent opponent.

•She really can't work guns well; she's a terrible shot.
•Pi, due to not being a Hamon user, is weak when it comes to anything like the Pillar Men; she'd be the first to go, unfortunately.

Likes| Being appreciated for her abilities, listening to rain fall, the sound of metal hitting metal (i.e swordfighting), people using her nickname, the night, and... birds, actually.
Dislikes| Bugs, anything overly bright, overwhelming heat, people using her government name, and silence for long periods of time.

Backstory|Piscine grew up in Albany, New York, to a midwife and lawyer- she was the second oldest of 4 girls, and because of that had taken most of the responsibility of her sisters. Life was normal, and she really couldn't complain much; they had enough money to make it by, and her family was loving enough.
However, as she grew older, Piscine began to drift away from what her mother had been teaching her and her sisters, and- having always been the tomboy of the sisters- drifted towards her father and the nearby neighbor boys, falling into 'boy's manners' as her sisters and mother put it. She joined most of the sports and games the other boys had, and proved herself to be good at what she did; however, she often got into scuffles over the neighborhood boys underestimating her, which she would try and resolve with a good sock to the mouth. Deciding enough was enough, she asked for the neighbors to call her 'Pi', which they complied with. However, this spread to her sisters, and when the youngest called Piscine her much preferred nickname... well, her mother raised hell.
Piscine, being the person she was, decided to move away from home into the city to try and... well, recreate herself to try and get away from such criticism. And so, taking some clothes from a friend, she took off to New York City, calling herself 'Pi' and dressing as a boy, just... well, for the hell of it.

•She applied for a job at the Speedwagon Foundation; no one knows if she actually got it or not, since she won't tell anyone.
•Piscine keeps in touch with her father and sisters; she refuses to talk to her mother.
•She can be picked up very easily. She doesn't like it, but it's true.
•Her favorite food is baked cinnamon apples.


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