chap 3.

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  music plays a big role in my life. i listen to the same songs almost everyday but it doesn't bother me to be honest. i enjoy my daily rotation because it helps me get throughout the day, i don't know if that makes sense.

  speaking of music, that weird guy has been coming to visit every week and he comes to me every time. today is christmas eve and i hope he comes. i really enjoy our conversations and today i want to ask him more about his band. he told me he was in a band last time we spoke but then the time was up and he had to go.

  a couple hours has passed by and it was time to go downstairs. i was excited i'm not going to lie, this guy is cool and the best christmas gift i can get at the moment is some new tunes. unfortunately, i waited the whole time and the man hasn't came. i felt kind of down but then i had to remember, this man probably has a family or at least something better to do than talk to some boring ass kid. how selfish of me to think he'll come in on christmas eve. i decided to sneak out of the cafeteria and go to my room and sleep. i put my headphones in and played "loving is easy" by rex orange county, it's a nice song.

  i fell asleep for what felt like forever until i woke up to someone literally shaking me out of my sleep. i woke up with the most angriest look on my face which quickly turned into a confused look because ms.mary said "BROOKE! PACK YOUR STUFF, YOURE GETTING ADOPTED!"  with the biggest smile on her face. i looked around confused since i literally just woke up and also, was it the man in black? as i look around i start to pack my things, still thinking about who could possibly want me. i gathered my things into a duffle bag, made my bed, and walked out.

  as i made it to the main entrance i see someone that i wasn't quiet expecting. i couldn't believe my eyes. my eyes watered as soon as i seen them. i can't believe this person would even think about me. i can't believe i was being adopted by...

(sorry that my wc is getting lower, it won't stay this way, i promise)

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