The Thirst For Vengeance

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It's around midnight, a van can be seen driving in a hurry down a road in the industrial side of town. Inside the van four crooks can be seen clearly shaken up by something. The driver nervously looks through the rear view mirror to find nothing there.

Thug Boss (Driver): W-where is he?! Anybody got eyes on him?!

Thug 1: N-no I think we lost him.

Thug 2: What the fuck was that boss?!

Thug 3: That thing wasn't human.

Thug Boss: Everybody shut the fuck up and let me concentrate!

One of the thugs looks behind them and notices a orange light in the distance.

Thug 2: Uhh b-boss?!

Thug Boss: What?!

Thug 2: I think he found us!

Everyone turned around to see the orange light getting brighter by the second.

Thug 1: What the fuck do we do?! He all ready killed James!

Thug 3: he'll kill us too. There's nothing we can do.

Thug Boss: How can you say that Mark?! Have faith. I'll get us out of this!

Thug 3: I BLEW HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF WITH A SHOTGUN NICK! He just grew another and started coming back after us! There is nothing we can do!

Thug Boss: Fine. Fuck Mark, everyone else shoot that fucking thing!

Everyone except Mark began shooting their shotguns and pistols at the flaming creature who was now 20 feet behind them. Their bullets penetrated the creature but didn't faze it.

G/R: My turn.

The ghostrider grabbed his chain from around his torso and slung it at the vehicle, wrapping it around the strut of the van. He then pulled on the chain, breaking the strut from his strength. From the damage of the car, the driver, lost control of the vehicle causing the van to crash into a nearby quary.

The rider dismounted his bike and began to walk towards the now flipped over van and saw someone trying to flee from the wreckage. The man tried to stand but found out his leg is broken from the wreck. He then saw the rider watching him, he pulled out his pistol and began firing his clip into the monster in front of him. The rider simply walked forward ignoring the bullets hitting him. He kicked the pistol out of the man's hand and yanked him upwards to face him. The rider looked into his eyes and said..

G/R: You have caused so much pain to the innocent. It is now time for you to pay the price for it...Death.

With that the rider set the man's body on fire as he burned his soul turning his body into ash. The rider walked away towards his bike, he hopped on it and drove away as the sun started to shine in the horizon.


Y/N pov

I awoke in my bed covered in sweat. Last night I let the rider back out again...I've been trying to suppress it but i always end up losing it. You see, ever since the deal I can sense sin and evil in every person and at night it gets overwhelming. Like going a long time without smoking a cigarette or raging know what I mean.

Anyways last night I couldn't take it anymore and lost it. A couple months after the deal I started to remember my nights as the fiery demon. I started to see why the rider was after the people he judged. It felt like I was in a theatre watching my life unfold in front of me, watching this thing wreck havoc against people.

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