Battle For The Familiars (pt.1)

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A/N: I did some rework on "An Angel Arrives To Kuoh" if you want to reread it. I changed it were this chapter is the first time everyone meets the Sitri peerage. Enjoy.


It's been several days after the church incident and Asia has been taking the devil thing really well. She still follows God but that's to be expected. She's made so many new friends at school, she's been actually happy. It's so nice to see her this way.

Kumi has been acting...strange around me ever since the church. She's always clinging to my arm at school. I never think of anything of it but it's getting a little weird when the other students see us like that. I've even heard a rumor about Kumi and I secretly dating. What's really weird is I've actually been detecting lust within her, I don't really know what to think of it.

Raynare has been getting somewhat comfortable living alongside us. She cooks breakfast for us before we leave for school, I guess to pay us back or whatever. She might always burn our eggs and even our toast......yeah she actually burns our toast.....I don't even know how it's possible to burn toast in a toaster. But i guess the thought of it is what counts.

I still don't trust her but last night I woke up and was getting a glass of water, i walked past her room and heard her crying. I'm not entirely sure why though. I feel kinda bad for her...don't get me wrong, I still want to rip and tear her into pieces and piss on her dead corpse..but i can't help but feel sorrow for her. Maybe I should talk to her.

Akeno and I is always flirting with each other. I thought about actually asking her out but I'm not sure how kindly that'll go with everyone else. Issei is wanting her for his harem or whatever so he might try to kick my ass...TRY. I think Koneko might like me? I don't know its hard to read her but if she does have feelings for me, i don't want to hurt her.

For the longest time I thought Rias might have liked me too but she's been crazy over Issei lately. Like letting him touch her breast and stuff. I know she did it to help out with his sacred gear or whatever but I don't know.... I'm not jealous or anything but......yeah I'm kinda jealous, i want to rip his head off his body and use it as a jack o lantern for Halloween. But I won't.....(inhale) (exhale) probably won't.

Anyways yeah, Rias has been acting kinda distant from me. I'm not sure if i did something or what so I decided to stay away from her and the club for a couple days but i'd be lying if i said it wasn't bugging me.



Right now I'm in class sitting behind Issei. I'm bored out of my mind so instead of paying attention to the lecture, i decided to wander my eyes around the classroom.

My (e/c) wandered around the room and landed on Asia. She was working away on her desk, I smiled, she was so innocent and pure, every time I looked at her, a smile would grow on my face, no matter the mood i was in.

I looked around the classroom once more and landed on Kumi. She was also working away on her desk, her head was resting in her hand. I also smiled when I saw her. She apparently felt my gaze and turned to look at me. She blushed and smiled back but immediately looked away and frowned. She acts like she's hiding something.

What's her problem?

The bell rang signaling class is over so I began gathering my things. All four of us left the classroom and was met with Kiba waving at us.

Y/N: "Kiba."

Kiba: "Hello everyone. Rias is wanting everyone to gather in the clubroom."

Everyone nodded and began walking away.

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