Fighting Fire With Hellfire (Pt. 1)

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Y/n can be seen laying in his bed. He then slowly opens his eyes and raises up from his slumber. As he rises from his bed, he felt a sharp pain from his stomach.

Y/N: "Fuck that hurts."

He moves his shirt which reveals the bandage around his abdomen.

Grayfia: "Ah, you're awake."

Y/n looked at Grayfia who showed herself from the shadows of Y/n room.

Y/N: "Grayfia?"

Grayfia: "What happened to you?"

Y/n thought for a moment to recollect his memories before he spoke.

Y/N: "Met an old friend...didn't end well."

Grayfia: "Lord Blackheart I take it?"

Y/N: "How do-"

Grayfia: "Lady Rias informed Sirzechs and I of your disappearance. They had a hunch that he might've attacked you."

Y/n nodded as Grayfia began to speak more.

Grayfia: "They looked for you for hours. They were even going to postpone the rating game. Riser however declined that request."

Y/N: "Of course he did."

Grayfia: "They lost the rating game, you know."

Y/N: "What?! They lost?"

How long was I out for?

Grayfia: "I'm afraid so. Rias surrendered before Lord Riser could take Issei's life."

That fucking scumbag.

Y/N: "That goddamn prick."

Grayfia: "Lady Rias instructed that miss Asia should stay here and take care of Issei. After all, he was hurt pretty badly. The rest of them are in the underworld. Lady Rias wanted them all with her for what happens next."

Y/N: "The underworld?"

Grayfia: "Yes the engagement party will be happening soon."

Rage consumed me as I rose up from the bed, I didn't feel the pain from my stomach anymore.

Y/N: "Goddamit!..... I will not let that bastard take her."

Grayfia giggles and hands Y/n a piece of paper.

Grayfia: "Sirzechs thought you'd say something like that."

Y/N: "Sirzechs?...What is it?" I asked as I grab the piece of paper.

Grayfia: "This will take you straight to the engagement party. He also wanted me to give you a message."

I looked at her.

Grayfia: "If you really want my sister back then you must be prepared to fight."

I looked at the piece of paper and smiled as I looked back at Grayfia.

Y/N: "Thank you."

Grayfia smiled back and created a teleportation circle.

Grayfia: "I wish you luck, young rider."

She then disappeared and left me in my dark silent room. Suddenly my door opened and Asia revealed herself.

Asia: *Gasp* "Y/n?!"

I turned and gave a smile to Asia but she immediately tackled me to my bed and straddled on top of me.

Y/N: "C-Calm down Asia."

Asia: "I-I didn't think you would ever wake up..."

Tears started to fall from her face and landed on mine.

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