The Devil In I

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Im waiting at the front gate for Kumi so we can go home. School sucked but I made it through. I made a friend with some dude named kiba. He's a devil but he's nice, probably the nicest guy in the school actually. That issei guy that I sit behind in homeroom is a devil too and a HUGE pervert. I mean I like girls and their...features but this guy praises them as they were a god or something. I guess Zarathos wasn't lying when he said he's full of lust.

I was so lost in thought I didn't see Kumi walk up to me.

Kumi: "Hey, how was your day?"

Y/N: "It was alright. How was yours?"

Kumi: "Great! I love it here. The girls here are so nice. Some of the boys are nice too except for the three perverts. "perverted trio" is what the girls call them."

Y/N: "Yeah Issei Hyoudou is one of them. "

Kumi: "Yeah he is. Kiba Yuuto is probably the nicest guy here."

Y/N: "Wow thanks sis." I said jokingly.

Kumi: "I didn't say he was my favorite guy here." Kumi said punching my arm.

I laughed and put on my leather jacket then we both mounted my bike. I turn on the bike and revved the engine causing all the students outside the school to notice us. I began going down the road and saw the perverted trio trying to peek in a building.

Kumi: "Hey, they're trying to peek on the kendo club!

Y/N: "So?"

Kumi: "it's all girls y/n!"

As we drove past them I revved my engine even louder than before causing them to jump. It even got the kendo girls to notice. They all came outside and saw the trio and began to chase them with their bamboo swords. This cause Kumi to die laughing.

Kumi: "you're a hero to the kendo club y/n!" She said still laughing.

Y/N: "just doing my part citizen." This caused Kumi to laugh again.

On the way home I felt like someone was following us. Not just anyone either, it felt like a fallen angel. I've taken down several fallen angels so I recognized their scent. I decided not to lead them home for Kumi's safety.

Kumi: "Where are we going?"

Y/N: "The park. I overheard people talking about it, I wanted to check it out."

Kumi: "Oh okay."

I can't lie to her anymore. As much as I don't want to bring her into this world I'm afraid I don't have a choice. I never do.

Y/N: "Kumi...I...I can't keep lying to you."

Kumi: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "I've been lying to you for a long time. I'll explain later."

Kumi: "Okay?"

We rode like hell to the park. The fallen were on our heels. Thank God Kumi didn't notice. Once we arrived I grabbed Kumi and ran.

Kumi: "y/n, what is going on?"

I ignored her and lead us to a fountain in the middle of the park. Kumi eventually broke free from my grasp.

Kumi: "I'm not going any further until you tell me what is going on! Why are we running?"

???: "Oh, that's because of us."

Kumi and I turned to the voice and saw two fallen angels flying above the fountain. My entire body started to heat up when I saw them.

Y/N: "Who are you?!"

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