Dead Memories

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Y/N: "Peace....and balance...."

I was meditating again. Hoping that I'll understand this stupid peace shit so I can control Zarathos when I get that bastard back. Because after this fight with Riser in a few days, i'm going after Blackheart.

Do I have a plan? Hell no. I just plan on fighting them all until I die...or I send them all back to hell.

The candles were doing the same thing. Every time I breathe in, the flames from the candle would shrink. Whenever I exhale, the flame would grow.

As I continued the breathing, I started getting flashes from my past. Memories I thought were long forgotten. 


A young boy at the age of 5 can be seen chasing a pigeon outside of a cafe. Suddenly a voice from behing the boy caught his attention.

???: "Come here little one!" The woman says with her arms out.

Y/N: "Coming, Mommy!"

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Y/N: "Coming, Mommy!"

Y/n runs over to his mother and falls into her arms.

Roxanne: "You know better than to run off like that. You're supposed to stay close to your father and I."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, mom."

Johnny: "Hey Roxy!"

A man comes out of the cafe holding a map.

Square: I couldn't find any badass motorcycle driving anime dudes so im just gonna use a picture of johnny from the comics

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Square: I couldn't find any badass motorcycle driving anime dudes so im just gonna use a picture of johnny from the comics.

Roxanne: "What is it, John?"

Johnny: "I think I found the shrine!"

Roxanne: "That's wonderful, honey."

Johnny: "I was thinking that we should leave-"

Y/N: "Hey mom, dad, can we go play in that arcade over there?" he asks while pointing at an arcade across the street.

Roxanne: "It's up to your father."

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