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Zarathos: "Reclaim me..."

My eyes immediately shot open from the old too familiar demonic voice, I soon realized that I was tied up. And by "tied up" I mean tied upside down...My arms were tied behind my back. I nearly passed out again from all the blood rushing to my head... I quickly scanned my surroundings. I was in a small dark room, lighted candles were the only source of light. Bloodstains were visible on the dirty white walls....I think I I'm in a church...

Suddenly from the darkness of the room, Blackheart reveals himself along with the three nephilim.

Blackheart: "You can feel him, can't you?...." he says twirling the glowing red gemstone around his neck with a devilish smile on his face.

I didn't say a word...I just listened on.

Blackheart: "Even though he's locked away in a prison...his power still seems to leak through and find you..."

He knelt down, his face, only a couple of inches away from mine.

Blackheart: "What does he see in you? What makes you so special?"

Y/N: "Give it back." I said looking at the gemstone.

He laughed and pulled the necklace from his neck and dangled it in front of me.

Blackheart: "Here...take it..."

He's toying with me. I try to break free from the restraints but to no avail.

Blackheart: "No? Okay then..."


I smile and spit in his face. He wipes it off and throws a punch at my ribs, knocking the wind out of me.

Y/N: "What.(pant).the you want from me?" I asked as I tried to control my breathing.

Blackheart: "I want you to join us."

Y/N: "What?!"

Blackheart: "Simple as that. Join me in taking over this world and I'll hand over Zarathos back to you."

I didn't talk, just listened as he explained further.

Blackheart: "With the power you hold, I'll be able to conquer not only this world but heaven and the underworld along with it."

He knelt back down to my face.

Blackheart: "So? What do you say?"

I acted like I was going to say something but instead, I headbutt him, giving him a bloody nose and possibly breaking it.

Y/N: "Fuck you. I'll die before I join you."

He backs away and holds his bleeding nose. He then walks over to Grissel and grabs a gun he had holstered and walks back over to me.

Blackheart: "As you wish."

He then aims the gun at me and:


I cringed from the pain, my vision went blurry as blood started to fall onto my face. Blackheart shot me in the stomach.

Wallow: "What do we do with him?"

Blackheart: "Leave him....let him suffer a slow death.....Now come on, we have a meeting with Kokabiel to attend to."

With that they left the room as my eyes began to feel heavy...

Legend Of The Ghost Rider (Highschool DxD x Male Ghost Rider Reader)Where stories live. Discover now