The Councils Bounty Hunter

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Everyone was standing in the middle of the ORC clubroom. They were getting ready to go to the familiar forest. I wasn't allowed to go because familiars can apparently sense I'm the ghost rider and freak out when they spot me. So, everyone thought it would be a good idea to just leave me here.

Rias: "We'll be back soon, y/n."

Akeno: "Don't miss me to long, handsome.~" Akeno cooed in my ear. She walks over and stands beside Rias.

Y/N: "I'll try not to Akeno. Stay safe, all of you."

Rias: "We will." she says with a smile.

After the goodbyes, they teleported away. I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Great, now I'm bored.

Zarathos: Let's go blow up some shit.

It's 3:30 in the afternoon. No. Or not yet anyway.

I got up from the couch and walked out the door. I walked around campus, watching students leave for the day while some stayed behind for club activities.

I entered the school building and walked around until I found myself at the door to the student council. I knocked and heard a "come in."

I walked in and found the entire student council, doing their duties. Sona looked up from her desk and smiled when she saw me.

Sona: "Ah, Mr. L/n."

Y/N: "Sona. Are you to busy? I can always come back later."

Sona: "Nonsense, this is actually a light day compared to others. So, what brings you here?" she asks standing up from her desk.

Y/N: "Just wanted to take you up on your offer. The tea and chat, I mean."

Sona: "Of course. Tsubaki, mind brewing us some tea?"

Tsubaki bows to her master and left to fulfill her request. Sona and I took a seat on two sofas across from each other n the middle of the room, with a table in the middle. Similar to the ORC club room. There was a chessboard on the table.

Y/N: "Is everyone usually this formal?"

Sona: "Only when we have guests."

Y/N: "I'm honored."

Sona: "We're the ones who are honored. It's not every day I get to have tea with the ghost rider."

Y/N: "I'm glad that I'm your first."

Sona: "Are you flirting with me?"

Y/N: "No but I have to admit you are my type." I said while picking up a chess piece, playing with it in my hand.

Sona laughs.

Sona: "What makes you think that? We are complete opposites."

Y/N: "Opposites attract sweetie. I find stern and independent women like yourself attractive."

Sona chuckles.

Sona: "You have balls y/n l/n, I'll give you that. No one has ever talked to me like the way you do."

Y/N: "I'm one of a kind."

Sona: "That you are." she chuckles once more and notices me playing with the chess piece.

Sona: "Do you play?"

I shook my head.

Y/N: "No, never learned."

Tsubaki walked back into the room with a kettle of tea. She sits it down on the table and hands me and Soan a cup.

Sona: "Thank you Tsubaki."

Legend Of The Ghost Rider (Highschool DxD x Male Ghost Rider Reader)Where stories live. Discover now