Time With Rias (Lemon + Finale)

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This is my first ever lemon so tell me what you think. If you want to skip the lemon, I'll indicate the beginning and end with 🍋 🍋

The griffon took the two back to Kuoh, the orc clubroom to be specific. They entered the clubroom and Y/n crashed on the couch, closing his eyes.

Y/N: "That took a lot out of me...Im beat."

Rias smiled.

Rias: "I'll be right back..."

Y/n puts a thumbs up and leans his head back. Rias leaves for the spare bathroom. Soon, she opens the door but not dressed the same as she entered. More specifically, she wasn't wearing the clothing when she entered.

She slowly walks over to where Y/n was resting and started massaging his shoulders

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She slowly walks over to where Y/n was resting and started massaging his shoulders.

Y/N: "Oh, wow Rias, that feels good."

He opens his eyes and looks up to see Rias smiling back at him. He then saw that she's now in her underwear.

Y/N: "Uh, Rias, you're not wearing any clothes..."

Rias: "I know..."

Rias then moves her hands to Y/ chest then slowly moves downward. She then leans down and starts kissing and nibbling his neck.

Y/N: "What're you doing?"

She leans to his ear and whispers:

Rias: "I've made up my mind."

Y/N: "What?"

Rias: "I want you. Need you. Metaphorically and physically."

Y/N: "Again, what?"

Rias walks over and sits in Y/n lap and wraps her hands around his neck.

Rias: "I want you to take my virginity. I've always thought I did...but now I know for sure."

Y/N: "Know what?"

Rias leans in closer.

Rias: "That I love you, Y/n L/n."

Rias and Y/n then share a long and passionate kiss. Their tongues battling in each other's mouth. Rias eventually overthrows Y/n and explores his mouth with her tongue.

They soon split and gaze into each other's eyes. Y/n wraps his arms around Rias and picks her up, only to be tossed back onto the couch with Y/n now on top of her.

Rias: "Take me...but not here. The spare bedroom."

That's all he needed to hear, he again picked her up, kissing, and made their way to the bedroom. Y/n kicks open the door and slam Rias down on the bed, earning a yelp from her.

Y/N: "Sorry, was in the moment."

Rias giggles as they began kissing once more.

🍋 🍋 It's lemon time! Kids look away. 🍋 🍋

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