Chapter 42

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Sol's Pov

With an irritated grumble I ruffle my golden feathers with my sleek beak. A single feather unattaches itself from my wing and flutters down from my perch on top of a temple. The feather lands on the canopy of several trees, some of the small twigs on the branches snapping under the weight.


There is a flurry of feathers beside my head to which I turn, my large golden eyes focusing on the falcon. The tiny flaps of his wings barely desturb the air enough to be felt upon my own feathers, the sheer size difference being too great.

"Have the feather placed with the others."

Levant nods his head silently and disappears to gather the stronger flock of birds that routinely retrieve the feathers that I shed and place inside the temple upon which I sit.

Being this huge truly is a pain....unfortunately it is customary that a God remains in his or her ultimate form when visiting their own temple

"Sun God, Sol."

Once again I turn my head expecting a normal bird that pays me respects; however, I am startled to come face to face with a large white wolf with patterns of shining silver that swirl intricately around its body. It's irises are pure white and the eyes are lined in a delicate silver eyeliner that wings out to the sides, small silver diamonds grace it's cheeks.

"Moon Goddess, Amaris.  This is certainly a surprise." I greet still trying to calm my startled heart.

She smiles and takes a seat beside me, her head still perfectly level with mine not counting her pointed ears.

In her ultimate form she could easily scale The Rockys...I forgot she was this intimidating

"I apologize for startling you." she looks away from me and down below with a nod of her head, "Another feather for the collection I see."

Looking down I watch as a flock of 150 or so Bald Eagles struggle to pick up the feather. The more sun light I produce for the earth the heavier my feathers are so seeing as I have given the mortals 3 days of sun light and warmth in a row there is no way they will be able to pick it up.

"I'm not getting any younger you know." I chuckle.

She shakes her head with a smile of her own, "Like wise. Almost every day now I end up with a decent sized pile of fur. I swear I shed worse than a Husky."

I burst into laughter at her joke, loving the feeling of joy and relaxation that my fellow god brings.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" I ask once I have collected myself.

Amaris sighs, "Your son."

"My son?"

She nods her head, "Yes. Ravi has been venturing far too close to my daughter's shrine."

I clench my feet, the sound of my talons scraping against stone sending goosebumps up my spine.

"You have protection around it correct?"

She nods her head, "Yes, I have Lycan packs spotted in the surrounding areas and your own patrolling flocks routinely do flybys; however, the more they keep him away the more he tries to get by them."

I shake my head in disbelief, "But there is no way that he knows that what he is getting close to is Amarissa's shrine."

"He could have suspicions which is why we need to tie him down now before it's too late." Amaris says with a grave tone.

I frown not knowing what she has in mind, I don't have to voice my question because she continues.

"Instead of you visiting Earth, I propose that you send Ravi instead. We will restrict him from using any form other than that if a wolf, not only that but he will be required to stay with the River Valley Pack."

"The River Valley Pack?" I ask not having heard of them.

"Yes. They are a pack of normal wolves that currently have a large amount of Lycans with them as well as my daughter."

I shake my head frantically, "I though the whole point of our efforts was to protect Amarissa from my son, sending him directly to her would be the end of the world."

Amaris sighs with a roll of her eyes, "Sol, I thought you were supposed to have more intelligence than a common bird." I flinch at her insult but keep my beak shut, "Amarissa's life force is in her shrine so if Ravi was to come in contact with her physical body nothing will happen. Her life force is what needs to be protected at all costs."

Thinking silently I shuffle and readjust my folded wings, the bent joints getting stiff. I can feel that it is almost time for the sky to belong to the goddess beside me so with a quick flex of my wings I send a gust of wind into the open air, the large burning star bobbing against the breeze before starting to lower.

"Very well. I will have send my sun down to remain under the watchful eye of your daughter and I pray that the disaster we are trying to avoid never takes place upon the earth we have worked millennia to create."

With that the white wolf turns into a cloud of shimmering fog that rises into the sky and dissapears into the clouds. The large cratered moon soon rising to grace the sky and awaken the stars, galaxies almost visible in the dark. A shooting star shoots by above me, the trail of light in its wake stretching across my line of sight.

"Show off." I chuckle.

The Sun God, Sol which means Sun and his sun, Ravi which also means sun have finally be introduced! Sorry for the very late chapter!

I imagined Sol's ultimate form being that of a Roc. I'd like to see how creative you guys can get with what the two gods look like. Send me besuri

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