Chapter 49

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Ivory's POV

Lowering my nose to the roots of a tree, I inhale deeply trying to find any trace of my mate's scent. It's been 3 weeks since Rook suddenly vanished from the pack territory. She must have shifted into some kind of bird cause there were no tracks or any kind of scent trail to follow, honestly the only real evidence that she had left the territory was the blatant goodbye she left in the middle of the meadow. When I had woken up the morning the pack first noticed she was gone, there was a strange white flower laying beside me. Thinking it was some kind of flirtatious gesture I had felt pleased by the romantic looking plant but when Emily saw it her face fell instantly.  She told me that it's the same type of flower that Rook had left her when she had escaped from the Lycan pack.

"Ivory..." a voice says from behind me.

I ignore them and continue sniffing around the surrounding trees, desperate for any kind of sign that my mate had passed through here. The person behind me, I could tell, was wary and being cautious about approaching me.

"Ivory, you've already checked this part of the forest and found nothing." 

I snap my head around and growl in frustration, "I know that! Either help me or get lost, Cyclone!"

The dark grey male lowers his head and puts his tail between his legs submissively. Even though we are both Betas, my blood relationship with the Alpha gives me more authority over him. 

"Ivory, he's right. I'm not just saying that because he is my mate, I'm saying it because you aren't going to find anything." Emily says as she approaches us from the direction of the den. Her emerald eyes hold mine, their vibrant color begging me to relax.

"And how can you be so sure about that?" I huff, still agitated and anxious to get back to searching.

"Rook is a god, Ivory. You won't find her if she doesn't want you to." she says calmly, her green eyes holding mine.

"You found her!" I exclaim desperately.

The small brown Lycan shakes her head sadly, "We only found her by chance. We weren't following any kind of trail, we just happened to find her because she stayed in one place for too long."

My heart sinks as I lower myself to the ground to lay in the shade of the tree. The empty feeling in my chest starts to feel like it's consuming me. I never knew that missing someone could hurt this much, I didn't even feel a fraction of this pain when Broach and I lost our parents.

"Ivory, I'm sure she has a reason for leaving and that she will come back." Emily says, nuzzling her nose against one of my ears trying to comfort me, "You just have to be patient and believe."

"Do you think she feels as empty and hurt as I do?" I whine brokenheartedly.

Emily lays beside me and rests her head on the back of my neck with a small sigh, "I assure you that she feels it 10 times more than you do. For magical beings such as Lycans, the bond between mates is very strong so I imagine that it is even more powerful for a god." she says in a soothing voice.

I glance up at my fellow Beta and he looks back with pity in his amber eyes. After a second he too comes to my other side and rests his head on my back. For the first time since Rook left I feel relaxed enough to slip into a lite sleep.

Some time later

"Hey. You. Wake up."

I drowsily open my eyes and look up to see the one being I hate most in this world. Ravi. "What do you want?" I ask irritably.

The god wrinkles his nose and glares down at me, "You may be the mate of a god but that doesn't mean you can disrespect me, mortal."

I roll my eyes and stand up to stretch, realizing that Emily and Cyclone are gone, "Again, what do you want so badly that you had to wake me up from the one good sleep I've had in a while."

Ravi sits and looks to the side with a stubborn look, "Well now I don't feel like telling you."

With an agitated twitch of my lip I turn away from him and start walking away, "Whatever."

"I sensed Rook nearby."

I stop instantly and spin around to face the huge golden wolf, "What?"

Ravi's golden eyes meet mine and he lets out a sigh, "It was faint but I'm sure that it was her. It felt smothered so she must be in something or underground."

I perk my ears in excitement at the fact that at least there was some trace that my mate is nearby, "So she's close but as a...rodent?"

I get a nod in reply to which I wag my tail but then I stop and peer at him quizzically, "Why are you being so nice and helpful to me now...I mean you obviously hate me."

He chuckles dryly, "Well to be fair, you hate me back." I tilt my head in casual agreement, "Rook is a fellow god and we have known each other for millions of years. We might not exactly consider each other friends but I would still help her in any situation."

Maybe this guy isn't so bad after all...but he is still an irritating smart-ass

"So, you will help me find her?"

There is a short pause, "Yes I will assist you." There is another pause before he tilts his head, "Didn't you say that you were acquainted with the Moon Goddess? Why haven't you asked her for help?"

I lower my head and glance at the tree beside me, "She said that she was not at liberty to reveal her daughter's secrets and that Rook had to deal with things on her own. She wants the future to play out without interference from the higher gods."

Ravi nods his head in understanding, "That makes sense. Our parents have never really been into interfering with Earthly issues unless it's absolutely necessary."

"So...where do we start looking?" I ask hoping he has a plan.

The god before me lowers his head to the ground and takes a sniff, "We change our search from above ground to below it. I'll do my best to lock onto any kind of energy I can sense from her to track it then we can go from there."

I watch him as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to take in the scents of the forest around him, "Ravi."

"Hmm?" he hums with his eyes still closed.

"Thank you. For helping me find my mate." I say, feeling genuinely grateful.

Yeah, so I moved out of my house! FREEDOM! I'm hoping to make the next chapter a long one so I might do something in between these 2 chapters. Let me know if you want a Q&A, Art Post, Photo Post, or whatever else you would be interested in! ♥♥♥ I love y'all!!!

Alright guys, looks like Imma be doing a Q&A/ art mix kind of thing. Please either comment your questions below or Private Message me them! I'll try to have the post done and out for you all to see by Thursday if not then Saturday at the latest.

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