00 // Prologue

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Okay... Before I officially start this... I don't think each season will have a prologue.


"You ready to go back?" Steve asks, looking over at Bucky, who sits next to him reading some new book that he had picked up from the bookstore yesterday.

The pair of them had taken a six month long holiday round New Zealand and Australia, away from the rest of the Avengers. It was definitely something that the pair of them needed, and the both of them are just glad that they didn't have to cut their holiday short at all.

Sometimes, they just need a break from being Captain America and the Winter Soldier, and just need time to be themselves. They needed the time to just be Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.

But now, their holiday has come to an end, and they're flying Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles. Though, they aren't going straight back to the Avengers compound just yet. They're having a short one week stay in Los Angeles before they go back.

Back to being Captain America and the Winter Soldier, fighting alongside the rest of the Avengers.

They have to admit, that they're upset that their holiday has come to an end, but at the same time they're happy about seeing the others once again. Though, they just hope nothing too terrible has occurred while they've been gone. That's the last thing that they need.

"What?" Bucky asks, looking over at Steve from his book.

Bucky was barely paying any attention to what Steve had just said. Too immersed in the book that he's reading to hear what Steve had just asked him.

"I asked if you're ready to go back home." Steve says.

Bucky nods, sighing a little. "I have missed the others." He starts. "But, we can never truly go back home, Stevie." He sighs. "But, to answer your question, yes. I'm ready to go back."

Steve nods, knowing exactly what Bucky had meant by the pair of them not truly being able to go back home. They haven't been home since before the war, and before Steve had taken the serum. They haven't properly been home in over seventy years now.

"Hopefully the others have been fine without us." Steve sighs. "We have been gone for quite awhile after all."

Bucky nods. "Well, none of them tried to contact us, so I'm sure they were fine without us." He says. "Now be quiet. The Fellowship just set out from Rivendell."

Steve laughs a little at that. He hasn't forgotten that Bucky never likes to be interrupted when he's reading, and he's not surprised that has never changed since before the war. He may not look it, but Bucky is definitely a big bookworm, and a huge nerd.

Sitting back on the seat, Steve closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, though every so often he's woken by the noise around him. He blames the super soldier serum for not letting him have one sleep where he doesn't continuously wake up every couple minutes or so from the slightest noise that disrupts his sleep. Though, it's not as bad as it used to be, and some nights he manages to sleep through most of the night.

Looking over at Bucky as he's awoken again about half an hour later, at least he thinks it's been half an hour, he finds that Bucky has fallen asleep.

Smiling a little, Steve places a kiss on Bucky's forehead, trying not to wake him, before he's slipping Bucky's book and bookmark out of his hands and placing them in Bucky's carry on bag in the above compartment. Of course, making sure he doesn't lose the page that he suspects that Bucky was on.

Needing to go to the bathroom, Steve goes to head over to the bathroom, but stops as a young guy runs past him, with a couple of flight attendants running after him.

He looks on after them, curious about what all that was supposed to be about and debating whether or not to follow just in case they need help. In the end decides against it and heads off towards the bathroom.

As he's waiting for whoever is in the bathroom to finish up so he can go, he's almost knocked to the floor as the plane jolts suddenly. He shrugs it off as the plane is just going through turbulence. Which is normal, planes go through that plenty of times and nothing bad happens.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the pilot has switched on the fasten seatbelt sign. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts." A woman's voice can be heard on the overhead speaker.

Steve looks up at the roof of the plane, where he knows the voice isn't coming from, but is just something he does out of instinct. He goes to head back over to his seat next to Bucky, forgetting about his need to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately before he can do so, the plane shakes again.

Knowing that he should get back to Bucky, but it seems as though he can't as the plane goes through heavier turbulence, Steve sits down on one of the empty seats near him and fastens his seat belt. He just hopes this set of turbulence passes over soon so he can get back to Bucky.

Though, as the plane starts shaking more and a loud crash is heard, and what he can only assume is engine failure, Steve realizes that he may not get back to Bucky. At all...

Trying his best to ignore the panic that is arising inside him, and the flashbacks from when he crashed the plane into the ice back in 1945, Steve grabs the oxygen mask that drops down in front of him and tries to prepare himself for the worst. Which ends up being easier said than done...

The only thing going through his mind, is that he should've stayed right next to Bucky. At least then they would die side by side....


Okay, this is a bit short, but the chapters will more than likely be a lot longer than this.

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