05 // You Can't Save Everyone

162 11 2

Covers season 1 episode 3; Tabula Rosa


As the group returns to the beach, the rest of the survivors are quick to make their way over to them. All of them eager to hear the news that the group has to tell. Unfortunately though, it's not the news that they're wanting to hear.

"As you and the others know, we hiked up the mountain in an attempt to help the rescue team locate us. The transceiver failed to pick up a signal. We weren't able to send out a call for help." Sayid starts.

His words don't appear to settle well with the others, just like Bucky had thought, but at least they've chosen to not tell them the whole truth. If they were to tell them about the French woman's transmission that's been on a loop for sixteen years, it'll cause a large panic. One they might not be able to calm down.

"But we're not giving up. If we gather electronic equipment - your cell phones, laptops - I can boost the signal and we can try again, but that may take some time." Sayid continues. "So for now, we should begin rationing our remaining food. If it rains, we should set up tarps to collect water. I need to organize 3 separate groups. Each group should have a leader. One group for water - I'll organize that. Who's going to organize electronics? You? Rationing food? Okay. And I believe a third group should concern themselves with the construction of...."

Bucky doesn't listen to the rest of what Sayid is talking about, instead he notices the way Kate looks over towards Jack. He guesses she's wanting to tell him about what they heard, and honestly, he thinks that it's probably a good idea for Jack to know about it.

"You gonna tell Jack about what we heard?" He asks her.

Kate looks up at him, nodding. "Yeah, he should know."

He nods. "If we're to tell any of the others, I think Jack should be the one to know."

It makes the most sense for Jack to know. He seems to have already become somewhat of the group leader, or at least a lot of the group seem to think so. So it makes the most sense for him to know as well.

"Hi." Kate says, as she and Bucky walk over to Jack.

"Hey." Jack says, looking between them.

Kate looks to Bucky, then to Jack. "We, um, we need to tell you something."

"Okay, sure." Jack nods.

"We couldn't send out a signal because there was another signal blocking it." Kate explains. "The other signal - we heard it. It was a distress call from a French woman. She said that the others were dead - something had killed them all."

"But the thing is... it's been playing on repeat for sixteen years." Bucky says.

"We thought it would be best to tell you." Kate says.

Jack looks taken aback by this news. "There anything else?"

Bucky shakes his head. "Aside from the fact we almost got attacked by a polar bear, nothing."

He decides it would be best to not mention to him what he thinks he saw. For now at least.

"Polar bear?" Jack asks, looking between them.

"Yeah." Kate nods. "Polar bear."

"What is polar bear doing here?" Jack questions.

Bucky shakes his head. "Just another mystery about this island." He says, before looking around. "There's something off about this island."

He can feel it inside him that there's something strange about this island, and not just the fact that there's a polar bear - probably more than just the one that Sawyer killed - the fact that the French woman's signal has been on a loop for sixteen years with no one coming for her, or that there's something out there in the jungle. There's just something very off about this place.

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