07 // Live Together, Die Alone

157 9 4

Covers season 1 episode 5; White Rabbit

Bucky sits out on the sand just outside his makeshift tent, flipping through the pages of Steve's sketchbook that's luckily still in one piece

He runs his fingertips lightly across each expertly drawn line of the sketch of himself that Steve had drawn. He's always loved Steve's drawings, even if they were of himself, any of their friends, or just any random character. They're all certainly better than what he can do. His expertise generally lies in stick figures, no matter how hard he'd try to improve his poor artistic abilities.

If only Steve were here now....

There's still no sign of Steve, but Bucky refuses to give up hope that he's still out there somewhere. He just wishes he knew where.

Setting the sketch book down in his tent with the rest of his things, he looks around as he hears what appears to be Charlie shouting out for Jack.

Fearing that something might be wrong (and he hopes it's nothing to do with Claire), he gets up and runs over towards where a crowd has already started to gather near the water.

"What's going on?" He asks, stopping next to Kate and Charlie just as he sees Jack jumping into the ocean.

"There's someone out there." Charlie says.

And as Bucky looks out, he only just sees the faint figure of someone in the ocean yelling out for help. Whoever it is out there though, he cannot tell.

Not wanting to stand around and do nothing, Bucky strips himself of his shirt and shoes (choosing to ignore the way Kate stares at his chest), and sets off into the ocean after Jack.

He swims over to Jack, finding he's just pulled Boone out of the water.

"Bucky!" Jack shouts. "Take Boone back to the beach!"

Taking Boone from Jack, Bucky watches as Jack begins to swim further out.

"Jack!" Bucky shouts, as he gets a good hold on a semi-conscious Boone. "Where are you going?"

"There's someone else still out there!" Jack shouts, momentarily stopping to turn to Bucky. "Just get Boone to the shore!"

Nodding, Bucky looks down at Boone in his arms. The kid is barely lucid, and is muttering on about whether he got her or not. Bucky is guessing by her he means whoever is still out in the ocean.

Though as he looks around towards where Jack is swimming out to, Bucky can't see or hear anyone out there. Which means that either there isn't anyone else out there, or they've gone under and there's a chance that it's too late and they can't be saved....

"Crap..." Bucky mutters, hoping that if there is anyone else out there that Jack gets to them in time. "Alright, hold onto me, I gotta get you to shore."

He's not sure if Boone is lucid enough to understand his order, but it's worth a shot. And just hopefully Boone is lucid enough to understand him and do as he's asking.

"The woman..." Boone says, voice slurring a little. "Did you get her?"

"It's okay. Jack's gone to get her." Bucky says, pulling Boone towards the safety of the shore.

As he pulls Boone to the shore and out of the ocean, Kate and Charlie come running towards them. They take Boone from him, and walk him up the beach away from the water.

Shannon, Boone's sister comes running over to them from somewhere up the beach, her expression full of worry for her brother.

"Is he okay?" Shannon asks, panicked.

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