03 // Iteration....

190 11 6

Covers season 1 episode 2; Pilot pt. 2


"You okay?" Kate asks, falling into step beside Bucky.

Bucky looks over at her, before he sighs, shaking his head. "I'm as fine as I can be." He says, before looking around the trees surrounding them. "It's just... there's still no sign of Steve anywhere."

They've been walking through the jungle for quite some time now, and there's still been no signs of Steve anywhere. It's like he's just... disappeared. Which after all he's seen, really doesn't seem so far fetched.

To be fair though, he's still not looked inside the fuselage, so there's the chance that Steve may be in there. He thinks that once they get back to the beach he'll go look in the fuselage in case Steve's in there. Maybe he'll even look for his and Steve's luggage in there. But finding Steve is much more of a higher priority to him than finding their luggage.

If Steve is in there though, then he's likely going to be dead. If he's not in there though, then Bucky has no clue where the fuck he could be.

Apart from the tail section of the plane, but everyone from the tail section are likely to be dead. Besides, why would Steve have been on the tail section anyway?

"He might still turn up." Kate offers. "I wouldn't give up hope."

Bucky sighs, nodding. He sure hopes that Steve may still turn up, and he's certainly not about to give up hope yet. He has to believe that he will turn up. If he doesn't, then he doesn't know what he'd do.

They don't say anymore, just continue to walk along through the trees with the rest of the group.

All while they walk through the trees, Bucky can't help but glance over at Kate every so often. He doesn't know how she looks so familiar to him somehow. He feels like he should know, but he doesn't know how he should know.

She just looks so familiar....


"So, when are Scott and Hope meant to get here?" Bucky asks, sipping on his coffee as he and Steve sit at a table in the local Starbucks.

They had planned on meeting up with Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne - Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Bucky wasn't really too keen on going out at all, but he quite enjoys hanging out with Scott and Hope. which is a rarity, as he doesn't really often enjoy hanging out with a lot of the others very often.

To be fair though, he doesn't really like going out every often to begin with. But with Scott and Hope, he does quite enjoy going out with. Usually it's only for coffee or lunch, but whatever.

Steve looks down at his phone, checking the time. "They should be here in about ten or so minutes."

Bucky nods, looking out the window.

A few passersby stop and stare at him as they notice who he is, but Bucky doesn't care. He's used to it. He's just glad that all they usually do is stare. Though usually when it's children they get curious and ask questions - which he doesn't mind. Kids are curious anyway, so it's to be expected.

"Oh, here they are." Steve says, looking over towards the doors just as Scott and Hope enter the cafe.

Bucky turns to see them walking in, and Scott is making his way over to them while Hope goes to order their coffees.

"Hey!" Scott says, taking a seat next to Steve. "Sorry we're late. My fault."

"It's okay, man." Steve says. "At least you're here now."

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