06 // Burn

183 10 10

Covers season 1 episode 4; Walkabout

Bucky lays out on the sand staring at the stars, enjoying the cool night air and the sound of the waves crashing onto the sand at the shore. A peaceful night so far on this damn island, and even though Bucky feels there's something off about this place, he can't help but enjoy this.

Of course, he'd much prefer if Steve were there with him, but he's still not found him. He hopes Steve is out there somewhere alive and not dead. He's got to believe he is. He's not sure if he can face the idea that Steve may be dead.

Looking over down the beach where the majority of the survivors have made camp, Bucky sits up. The dog - that appears to belong to the young child - has started barking at something. Something that has just made a loud crashing sound inside the fuselage.

"Oh, that can't be good..." Bucky mutters, getting up and jogging off towards where everyone else is gathered near the fuselage.

By the sound of things, there's something or someone inside. Who or what it is though, no one knows. Nor does anyone dare to make a move to investigate yet.

"What is it?" Kate asks, moving just a little closer, before stopping as another crash can be heard.

"Somebody's in there." The pregnant woman says. Bucky is still unsure of her name.

Sayid shakes his head. "Everyone in there's dead."

Sayid is right. Everything's in there is dead. But even though everyone inside is dead, there's clearly something inside the fuselage.

Bucky suspects it might just be some animal, or maybe Sawyer. Then again, maybe the dead have risen, but that seems a little unlikely.

But even so, if they're now going to be faced with flesh eating zombies... it won't be the weirdest thing he's ever seen. And just maybe, judging by the fact that something feels very off about this island, it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

"It's Sawyer." Jack says, trying to assure everyone that there's nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately, it doesn't come as much assurance as Bucky looks around, finding Sawyer standing right behind Jack. Which means that whatever is inside, is definitely not Sawyer.

"Right behind you, Jackass." Sawyer says.

Slowly, Bucky starts to head towards the fuselage, figuring it would be best if he goes to take a look and see what's in there. "I'm gonna check it out." He says.

"Be careful." Charlie warns.

Bucky ignores him, and moves closer. Unfortunately he can't quite see a hell of a lot, even when his eyesight is good in the dark due to the serum. A little more light on whatever it is would be of great help.

He looks behind him, at no one in particular. Hoping that someone has a torch or something. "Someone shine a light on it." He says, looking back towards the fuselage. "I can't see much."

Fortunately, Jack has a flashlight, and shines it towards the fuselage as he makes his way forwards. Sawyer follows behind with a bigger flashlight.

Both Kate and Charlie follow along behind them, but stay back a but more than Sawyer and Jack.

With the new lighting, Bucky slowly walks inside with Jack and Sawyer following behind with the flashlights. There's a shadow of something moving around in the darkness, but Bucky can't quite make out what it is, and it seems Jack and Sawyer can't quite tell either.

"I'm gonna shed some light on this bitch." Sawyer says.

"Wait!" Bucky warns, as he and Jack attempt to stop him from shining the light of the flashlight directly on whatever it is inside. Unfortunately they're not quick enough and Sawyer shines the light directly on the thing.

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