02 // Handcuffs, Transceivers, and Polar Bears

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Covers season 1 episode 2; Pilot pt. 2


A day has passed. A day since the crash, and no rescue has come. Bucky doesn't have much hope that rescue will come straight away, and even if it does, he's not leaving until he finds Steve.

He can't leave without Steve, he just can't.

But he doesn't know where to start in finding Steve. He's looked all over the beach, and he's no where to be seen. There's still the jungle to look through, so Steve could be in there somewhere. He just hopes he's not dead.

If Steve's dead, then he doesn't see much point in getting off this island, or even living. Steve's the only thing that's keeping him alive, and without him, he just doesn't see much point in carrying on.

As he stares out at the ocean, a commotion down the beach pulls him out of his thoughts, and as he looks down the beach, he finds two men arguing and fighting. He's not sure what they're arguing about, nor does he really care, it's none of his business after all, but he finds himself getting up off the sand and walking over towards the commotion.

"What's going on?" Bucky asks, walking over to the group of people standing and watching the fight break out, with some of them trying to break up the fight.

"The kid found a pair of handcuffs." A rather large guy says, looking over at Bucky, but takes a few steps back as he notices who it is.

Bucky pretends to ignore that. "Handcuffs?" He asks, looking over towards the two men that are still arguing and fighting, one a middle Eastern man, and Bucky can only guess that the other is a redneck, or close enough.

He can gather what went down afterwards, judging by the words the two arguing are saying. The redneck had accused the middle Eastern guy that the handcuffs belonged to him, thus a fight broke out.


Bucky turns to find that the voice belongs to a brunette woman with freckles. And thankfully, the two men stop. With some help from others pulling them away from each other.

"We found the transceiver, but it's not working." She says. "Can anyone help?"

Bucky vaguely remembers overhearing that a small group had went out into the jungle to try and find the plane's cockpit, and he guesses she must've been one of the ones who went.

"Yes, I might be able to." The middle Eastern guy says, which in turn earns a remark from the redneck.

"Oh great. Perfect! Let's trust this guy!"

"Hey! Were all in this together, man." The large guy next to Bucky says. "Let's treat each other with a little respect."

At that point, Bucky zones out of the conversation, not really caring about what is being said. Though, he's interested to know whether or not the group had found any survivors out in the jungle, so he makes his way over to the woman.

"Excuse me?" He asks, stopping for a second as he gets a good look at her.

She looks very familiar, he just can't place how she looks so familiar....

She looks over at him. "Yes?"

He shakes his head. "Sorry, you just look familiar somehow." He says, and as he says that, he notices as she suddenly looks nervous for some reason. "What's your name?"

"Kate Austen." She says.

Well, her name's not ringing any bells. Maybe he was mistaken? But then why does she look so familiar?

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