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As you were walking down the stairs to the outside benches with Kurt, you saw that most of the Glee club were sitting on one of the benches.

"I can't believe this is happening." You heard Rachel hyperventilating.

"Rachel, are you okay?" You ran over to her and placed your hand on her shoulder to try to calm her down.

"No, didn't Mr Figgins call you in?" Sam asked you.

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked.

"There could only be twelve people to perform at Sectionals. There is thirteen of us." Rachel's voice saddens.

"What?" Kurt says shocked.

"Mr Shue tried to talk to the director but they wouldn't budge." Mercedes told you and Kurt.

You couldn't believe it.

"All of us worked hard for this, how is this fair?" Artie fought.

You stormed away, having everyone that was at the table call your name. You ignored them as you were making your way towards Mr Figgins office.

"I need to talk to you." You storm in on a meeting between Mr Shue and Figgins.

"Y/N, I know you're mad-"

"We all worked so hard for this, Mr Shue." You interrupted him. He glanced over at Figgins.

"You know how many calls I had to make to see if they can make this consideration? None of them budged, Ms Hudson." He told you.


"I'm sorry, one of your glee members has to stay home." Figgins finalized.

You glance over at Shue who is as sad as you are.

"Meeting in glee club now. Spread it around." Shue got up angrily and stormed out.


As you walked into glee club, everyone was fighting on who is staying and who they think should stay home. It was a mess. You sat up in the corner and just crossed your arms watching the others fight.

"I carry this group so it would make no sense if I stayed." Rachel fought.

"Excuse me. I can hit higher notes than you Rachel." Santana spat.

"Guys come on, we should fight this harder." Finn added in. You agreed but stayed quiet.

"Guys! Knock it off." Shue stormed in. Everyone stopped fighting and sat in their seat. Quinn sat next to you and glanced over at you. You handed her a weak smile and she frowned.

"We need to figure this out and quick." Shue added.

"I think I have made a decision. Santana should stay behind." Rachel pointed out.

"Rachel!" You called out in a way to tell her to knock it off.

"Oh hell no." Then Santana stood up and Brittany and Mercedes stopped her from attacking Rachel as she was cursing her out.

"Look, I've talked to the board and they said only twelve. I will come to my decision soon. Just know it's nothing personal, though." Shue assured. All of us agreed.

"It's not me, right Shue?" Rachel asked.

"Shut up, Rachel." Everyone shouted.

"I will come up with someone by Friday." Shue addresses. "I'm so sorry, everyone."

Everyone agreed but they were not happy about it.

As Mr Shue dismisses us, you walked over to Finn who was freaking out.

"What if it's me? Oh my god, Y/N. I'm freaking out." Finn couldn't keep still.

"Bro, it's not going to be you. Shue loves you." You calmed him down.

"Really?" Finn asked.

"Yes." You assured.

"It's not going to be you, either." Finn told you.

"You don't know that." You scoffed, combing your hair at the back of your ear, nervous.

"I do. You're amazing." Finn told you.

"Wow, that's the first time you told me that in Glee. Sure, you told me that at art shows and stuff but not in Glee." You add.

"Well, you are. It's not going to be you though. It sucks for the person it is going to be." Finn scanned the room.

"It just sucks. We have worked so hard for this moment. For one of us, it's getting taken away." You shook your head and breathed out.

"I know, but everything will be okay, Y/N. Promise me you won't do anything stupid." Finn looked in your eyes to make you promise.

"I won't." You laughed, having no idea what he was talking about.

"I know you, Y/N. You stomp all over yourself to help other people. It's time where you focus on yourself." Finn adds.

"I don't do that!" You argue. All of a sudden, Finn started to name all the times when you did. "Okay! I guess I do but that doesn't make me a bad person." You tell him.

"That's what I envy you the most of. You are a kind-hearted person. Lets go home." Finn laughed and you rolled your eyes while you followed him.

the art of singing  (blaine anderson fanfic) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now