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Meanwhile jungkook just stepped into
his class,there jimin already stand in
front of the class waited for him but
he just passed jimin while head down,
"Jeon Jungkook,stop there.."telled jimin coldly while try to walked through jungkook but jungkook just keep walked to his sitted not looking back into his husband even a glance.

Suddenly one of jungkook's classmate was coming and greet jimin happyly "morning,Mr.park..",so jimin was step
backwards to the front."Morning"said
jimin sound a little bit down making
jungkook realized it and slowly tilted
up his face and looked into jimin's sight but jimin just spacing out by turned his face aside to window.

Then all the rest of his student was get
into classes.So jimin was got to start the class by walked to the front side for open the slide."today we start with
new topic right?"asked jimin to his student but non of them answer it until jimin himself was looking at them with fierce looked but still not
even one of them answer it.

Despite of it,jungkook try to answer it
"Sir,we still not done with previous topic"telled jungkook which is he the only one who dare to answer him while the rest just keep quite."really?"
asked jimin while staring longingly at
jungkook."Sir..these week you telled us to had a view on gallery for some research for next project.."telled the
leader of their classes making jimin
snapped out from stared at jungkook.

Thus jimin was back to his sense and
telled them"then let's go for gallery now.."but he just make himself busy with pretend to put his laptop inside
his bag until jungkook the last person who left the classes by passing in front of him"jeon jungkook.."called jimin
while catch for jungkook's wrist.

However jungkook just standing still while growning"jimin sii..let me go,what if they seeing us.."telled jungkook ask jimin to release him but jimin insisted to keep hold into him."who is that boy?"asked jimin seriously.

Hence jungkook hear it,he was asking jimin"what do you mean?"asked
jungkook while busyly pushed jimin's
hand away but jimin just too strong.
"don't try to change the topic..!"yelled
jimin loudly making jungkook being
so quite from squirm and head down.

After that,jimin was madly released jungkook's wrist and leave."jimin sii!"
shouted jungkook to stopped his dear husband who is madly jealous over him."I didn't mean to make you mad.."
murmur jungkook sadly while his tears keep falling down.

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