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When everyone was busier while look
over all the things on the gallery,there
jimin just stepped into it with such a
long face."he really try to challange me.."said inner jimin while stared into the glasses until he can hear like someone who just cry,then jungkook was coming while sobbing.

Slowly he tilted up and looked into him"he just cry after I'm leave..?asked
jimin to himself while still had his eyes on jungkook who just head down
go straight through his classmate."ya
where are you going?"asked one of his
friend but jungkook just keep silent and nodded.

Then jimin was walked towards them
"so how it is?everything okay?if you
didn't know or understand about any
thing,just called me around there.."tell
jimin while took a  quick glance over jungkook but jungkook didn't look at
him."let's go there jungkook"telled one of his another classmate while
dragged jungkook by his wrist.

Hence jungkook being dragged by his
friend,there's jimin eyes still keep on
them until one of his student was tapped his shoulder"Sir,how it is?asked that boy who was showed to him a book for references.So jimin diligently explain to him till done.

After that,he was looked for jungkook who didn't seem around there."where
he is?"mumble jimin to himself but one of his another student hear it and
asked him"who is it sir?"but jimin just
nodded his head"nothing,nevermind"
telled jimin and leave for looked over

Suddenly jimin was heard something
very familiar to him"what are you doing?".As fast as jimin go through that voice nearby him and was seeing
someone held into jungkook's wrist by pinned him against the locker."what
are you try to do?"asked jimin coldly
stared into that person but that person just smirk over him.

Unexpected jimin was madly walked to him and grabbed his collar while
pulling jungkook behind his back.
"why Mr.Park being so mad?"asked that person playfully but jimin just
stared into him like want to smack him down but jungkook was hugged his arm."don't do that..please.."said
jungkook while hung into jimin's arm

However jimin try to calmed down and release his colar by pushed him aback"don't ever laid you filthy finger on him anymore.."telled jimin coldly and was grips jungkook's wrist and
dragged him away.

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