Being There For Eachother

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When Gerard started singing, I felt like crying. Right there, in that moment, I felt something deep inside of me. His voice was special. This was the voice of someone who would make a difference.

He stopped walking and sat down. I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. When he finished I asked, "I have never heard that song before. Who sings it?"

"Me. I wrote it and Mikey played bass to it." I sat up and looked him. I could not believe that he was real. I kept waiting to wake up. "Gerard, that is amazing. What's it called?"

"It's called Drowing Lessons. I wrote it last week. Do you really like it?"

"That song was beautiful. You won't have to go through hundreds of goodbyes with me though.I promise." I stuck out my pinky. "I will even do the sacrade pinky promise." He laughed and locked pinkies with me. We got up and kept walking.

We had already walked past my house a few times when I decided to stop at Frank's. "Come on. I want you to meet Frank."

"How do you know he's up?"

"You know the house we walked pass a few times with music blaring? That's my Frankie." I ran up to his door and called him. "Yes little Mrs. Ditch-My-Friends-With-No-Warning.?"

"Stop whining and come down to the door please?" He hung up and was at the door before I knew it. He opened it and jumped into my arms. Frank acted as if I had been away for a month. "Get off of me you freak!" But no, ofcourse he wouldn't get off. He tackled me to the ground and tickled me. I tried to protest against it but I couldn't even breathe, much less talk. Finally he stopped and stood to Gerard. "Who are you and why were you with my Chloe?" He made a fake pouty face. Gerard looked stunned, so I spoke for him. "This is Gerard and he was with me because he is my new friend."

"But not her bestfriend, just so you know. That's my job." He turned on one heel and ran off. Gerard looked down to his shoes again. "Don't take anything he says to heart. Frank is a little wierd and hyper midget. You can't believe those you know." Gerard laughed and we walked inside.

I showed Gerard Frank's room and then we headed to his party room. He already had music pumping and was jumping up and down. I surprise attacked him and jumped on his back. We fell to the floor again and laughed our butts off. I felt bad making Gerard uncomfortable, so I got up and took his hand. We started dancing around the whole room like idiots. Frank started playing air guitar, like the little wierdo he is.

Finally we all got wore out and kicked back. "Frank, grab your guitar. You have got to hear this!" I looked at Gerard and smiled. He gave me this wierd look, and then his eyes got really big. "Oh no. No no no no no!"

"Please Gerard! I will even sing with you!" I looked at him with excitement in my eyes. Finally he sighed, and I took this as a sign of surrendering. "Frank, just follow our lead." Then we started to sing.

Frank just looked at us in awe. "What? Why on earth are you giving us such a creepy stare? Frank? STOP! YOU'RE FREAKING ME OUT!" Finally he just laughed. I looked to Gerard to see if he got what was so funny, because I didn't. "Do you guys know how amazing that was? Now just imagine it with Ray! Hey, Geezy, do you play bass?" Gerard looked unsure, but he finally answered. "Well, I don't really. But you should really hear my little brother."

"Seriously Frank! This kid is awesome!" Me and Frank just smiled.

((Gerard's Point Of View))

We all sat there looking at eachother. I think they wanted to start a band. I couldn't picture it though. I mean, last time I checked the mirror, I wasn't good enough for anything. With my shaggy black hair, wierd eyes, and pudgy face, nobody wanted me around. Not even my own parents stuck around.....

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