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Mrs. Iero had called up to the school to make them aware of the situation. We had an excused absence but figured why not do the work? The four of us walked up to the school as it was ending and got our work. We'd hoped we could go un-noticed. No such luck.

"Hey losers! Why didn't you come to school?"

"Yeah, was the little babies scared?" When Gerard turned around I was surprised.

"Shut up and leave us alone okay?" We kept walking, and they kept fallowing. It gave me an eery feeling. Finally I stopped and turned around. "Look, what do you want? Don't make up lies and say 'oh nothing' because I know it's bull crap."

I looked up at the tall jock, then to the boys. They had wide eyes, especially Frank and Ray. I had never talked to a popular kid. Thinking about it, I'd never even thought of talking to one. Standing up to one that was a bully also, was a big step for me.

"Just looking to see if you guys wanted to play a game is all."

"Let me guess the game. Is it where we see who cries the most? Or which one of us can cough up the most blood in one punch? Trust me, we aren't interested. Actually, if you're that determined to kick our asses, atleast pick a different day. We have other problems going on. Please just give us a break for today." They knew it wasn't a question.

The guy didn't talk for a moment but then a smirk came onto his face. "Okay, I understand." We turned to walk away, thinking he was done. "But just one thing." He grabbed my shoulder, turned me around, and punched me right in my eye.

I screamed as I hit the concrete. I don't remember much. " We gotta get out of here!" I heard the football teams footsteps as the ran off. "CHLOE!" I heard Gerard yelling, and then Frank.

"COME BACK HERE! I WILL KNOCK THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU! YOU WANNA MESS WITH ME? I WILL PUNCH YOU SO HARD YOU WON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR OWN NAME IS! COME BACK AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN YOU BASTARD!" I hadn't ever heard Frank swear so much. I thought I heard Ray's voice, along with other struggle noises he was making.

"Frank, calm down! Stop okay! You can't beat them up!" Then everything was black.

I tried opening my eyes, but the left one argued against it. The right one opened and I saw Gerard crying at my feet. I tried to sit up without him noticing but I didn't achieve this goal. "Oh my god Chloe!" He came over and hugged me and it didn't look like he was ever letting go. "FRANK! RAY! COME HERE!" The boys ran into the room. Frank smiled from ear to ear. "CHLOE!!!" He came over and hugged me, and so did Ray. We were a mess, crying and hugging and laughing. I pryed them off and asked the whole story. Gerard explained to me, and I was horrified.

"Well, how far back do you remember?"

"Um...I remember yelling myself after getting punched and then other people yelling....that's it."

"Okay, well here's what happend. He hit you straight in your left eye as you've probably figured out. You screamed, as you said, and got really weak. You went straight to the sidewalk. I panicked and just yelled your name. I started to cry and sat leaning over you. Frank freaked out an tried to go after them but Ray tackled him to the ground. After Frank calmed down enough to think straight, we carried you here and just watched you for a while. I keep feeling like it's my fault. I should have jumped infront of you....."

"It is NOT your fault! It is nobodies fault but my own for shooting my mouth off. I'm keeping quiet from now on. Does your mom know Frank?"

"No, we figured she'd be busy with Mikey."

"Oh man Mikey....We'd better go see him. I guess I have to cover this up. Somebody help me up incase I get dizzy."

"Cover it up? We have to tell someone!"

"Ray, it won't help! We know this! You get picked on, you tell, it stops for a week, you get picked on worse. I'm covering it up and pretending nothing happend." I looked at him hard showing I was serious this time. He nodded and helped me up.

I got my foundation and covered up my eye pretty well. From up close you could tell I had make up on it. Nobody I didn't want knowing about it would be getting that close anyway. I would be safe until it healed. I came back downstairs and just fell onto the couch. I was exaughsted from the days events.

It was almost five so we had time to go see Mikey still. We called Mrs. Iero and she came to get us. "How was your guyses day?" We looked to one another and replied good in unison. I shuddered at the thought of one of my boys taking the punch that was ment for me. We pulled up to the hospital. I was nervous to see Mikey, and I could tell so were the others. "Here's his room." I put on a smile and walked through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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