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We were all to exhausted to hang out, so we all just went home. I dropped on the couch and messed around with my guitar for a while. I rememberd the song I'd been thinking about and started playing it. "What you playing?"

"A song I've been wanting to show you but I keep getting scared."

"Play it for me please." I smiled a little to myself and started to play Your Gaurdian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

When I was done I looked up to see Gerard crying. This made me cry. "Don't cry, Gee." He just smiled and hugged me. "Why are you crying?"

"You want to know why I'm crying? I'm crying because it just hit me that you honestly care about me and are not lying and this isn't a big joke." I laughed and hugged him tight. I was happy he knew how I felt. I never wanted him to be hurt.

It was about seven thirty when I changed into my sweat pants and tank top. I was tired, just not enough to go to sleep. I sat down on the couch and called Mikey over to me. He looked botherd about something. I wasn't sure what. "What's going on kid? Why are you upset?" He looked shocked.

"How did you know I was upset?"

"I don't really know. Something just didn't seem right."

Mikey thought for a minute and told me what was wrong. "I keep thinking about this horrible nightmare from last night. It was worse then a nightmare though. I kept slipping into darkness and there was nothing to hold onto. And as I fell, all my life dreams and the things or people I loved were just out of reach. Then you and Gerard tried to reach for me, and fell in. I felt like it was all my fault, and now I feel like everything bad that's happend to me or Gerard is my fault." I hugged him tight.

"I know it's early but we're all tired. You probably were up all night, weren't you?" He nodded. "You should've woke me up. Here, lay down." He scooched down the couch and layed his head on my leg. I grabbed the blanket from behind him and covered him up. Then I sang a song I'd worked on recently.

"Some say now suffer all the children, and walk away a savior...." I kept going watching Mikeys eyes slowly close. I got a little softer with my voice. "Just sleep....just sleep." I smiled at him finally sleeping. Sometime when I was singing, Gerard had came and sat on the floor by us. "I cannot figure out how you do that."

"Do what?"

"Just calm him down and get him to sleep."

"I never really had experience with kids. I really don't know myself how I do it." Gerard smiled and took my unoccupied hand. Soon after that I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, things got loud and I woke up. I sat up warily and saw Gerard craddling Mikey. I jumped up instantly and sat with them. "Shhhh. Shhhh. Mikey, it's okay. Breathe Mikes." He looked up at me with tearfilled and puffy eyes.

"I don't know what happend. I just couldn't breathe. Well, I could but it was very small breaths that were fast, to." I ran my hand through his hair.

"It's okay now. Come here." I opened my arms for Mikey to come into. He did without thinking twice.

I didn't get the chance to get up before Mikey had fallen asleep. I layed my head on the couch and closed my eyes. "Thank you," Gerard whispered.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." I smiled tiredly and fell back alseep. I hoped Mikey would be okay.

I woke up that morning in Gerards arms, Mikey in mine. I moved slighty and Gerards eyes popped open. "I didn't mean to wake you up. Sorry."

"You didn't. I was up all night worried about Mikey." I looked at the little boy in my arms. I had to wake him up as much as I didn't want to. Or did I? "Gerard, I don't think he should go to school today. We could probably leave him with Franks mom."

"Yeah, I don't think he's feeling quite right." I lifted him up onto the couch so I could go get changed.

I ended up in black jeans, grey converse, and my Shineown shirt. I pulled on my All Time Low hoodie and hurried downstairs. I smiled at Gerard looking at his brother. He was probably the best big brother ever. "Go get ready. I can watch him." He nodded, glanced one last time at Mikey, and walked to his room.

I sat looking at Mikey. He didn't look good at all. I got really worried. Gerard came down and just looked at us. I started to cry. "Chloe, what's going on?"

"I'm just really worried. Why doesn't he look okay Gerard? What's happening?" I just cried for a minute, gathered myself together and stood up. "Let's go take him to Franks." He nodded, picked Mikey up, and carried him to our destination.

"Hi Mrs. Iero! Would you mind watching Mikey? He isn't feeling well and we don't want him alone all day."

"Oh sure sweetie! Bring him over and ill get a blanket. FRANK GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" She smiled and walked away. We stepped inside and Gerard set Mikey on the couch.

"Hey buddaaaaaaays!" Frank tripped over his own feet and landed in front of us. "Where's Mikes?" I pointed to the couch and Frank walked over to him. "Oh geeze. He doesn't look okay."

"That's why he's staying here today with your mom."

"Good. Well, I really hate to leave him but we gotta get going." We nodded and all walked out the house.

The whole day, all I worried about was Mikey. I could tell it was the same for Gerard. This wasn't your average cold or twenty four-hour flu. Something was wrong with Mikey, and all I wanted to do was go home to him and hug him and watch movies witu him. Most of all, I wanted to know what was going on.

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