I Think I Love You

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((Chloe's Point Of View))

"So what do you think?" Gerard just sat there looking at me. I felt my face get all hot and looked away. "Chloe, you.....you're.....I can't even describe it." I looked over and some how knew he ment it.

I went and layed down, my head on his leg. I closed my eyes and sighed. Tomorrow was the last day of summer vacation. I was switching schools, I had decided. Ray and Frank asked if they could move with me and there moms said okay. I was terrafied but excited.

"Chloe, thank you for everything you's brought me."

"What have I brought you besides a wierd, hyper, jelous kid? Or besides a wise know-it-all fro that plays guitar?"

"You've brought me a singing, guitar playing, bass playing wonder." I opened my eyes to see Gerard looking at me.

In that moment, my heart felt like it stopped. I felt like I was on a cloud. Was this even real? I bet I would wake up alone with normal hair. But then again, something in my heart was tugging to reassure me it was real. Then the words came out of my mouth without going through my brains filter. "Gerard Way, I love you."

I quietly gasped in air. Was I really losing oxygen by looking into his perfect eyes? "Chloe........." He stopped and I felt stupid. Why would he love me? I sat up feeling the tears roll down my face. "I'm sorry Gerard. I....I shouldn't have said that." I didn't know what to do so I ran.

I ran out the door and into the cold. It had just started raining when I got out of the shower. The tears just kept coming. I ran and ran and ran. I ran across roads without looking. I stopped and looked at the street names. I vaugely remembered them, and assumed I was still in my neighborhood. I sat on the curb and just cried.

Was it even possible to love me? Obviously God didn't think so. He made my dad go away, made my mom hate me, made me act a fool to make Gerard hate me, and Frank would never forgive me. We may stay bestfriends, but he's always feel bettayed.

"I HATE YOU LIFE! YOU HEAR ME? I HATE YOU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and into the skies. I heard yelling in the distance. It sounded like Gerard but I was scared to face him. I hid behind a tree, hoping my baby whale body didn't stick out. "Chloe! Come back!" I peered around to see a soaked Gerard looking around like a lost puppy. Great, now he'd feel pitty for me.

"Look, if you are here, listen to me! I love you to! I will yell it to the whole feaking world!" He took a deep breath. I started breathing heavier and heavier. "Okay, I see you don't believe me. Well, here." He stoped for a minute and yelled. "I LOVE YOU CHLOE! I LOVE HER!"

I felt my heart slow slightly, and stepped from behind the tree. He looked at me and I realized he had been crying to. "Why are you crying Gerard?"

"Didn't you hear me? I love you and I don't want to lose you. I thought you were gone and, and I didn't know what was going on. You just started crying .and ran, and...." He stopped and sighed. I walked up to him, and looked into his eyes. "How can you love me?"

"You silly girl. How can I not love you? I already told you I'm not most guys. I won't play you or use you or judge you. I will help you and protect you, and love you."

My brain filter stopped working again, and I took a couragous move. I leaned in and I kissed him. This time was different then the first. It wasn't wierd, or awkward. He kissed me back and in that moment, I believed he loved me.

I let go and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and set his head on mine. "We'd better get home before we get to wet." I looked at us and laughed. It was a little late for staying dry. We held hands again as we walked, but didn't say a word. It wasn't an awkard silence though. It was as if there was a silent convorsation going on between us. It was an electical current riding up out arms, over our shoulders, and to our hearts.

We went into the warm house and took off our shoes. I was soaked from head to toe and was freezing. We walked to Gerards room and I grabbed pajamas. I changed in the bathroom and went back to Gerards room. He was trying to get a new shirt over his still wet body. "Need some help there?" I got the shirt onto his arms and pulled it over is head.

He smiled and fell back onto his bead. I layed next to him, exhausted. I felt my eyes slowly fighting me on staying awake. Gerard started singing softly, which helped me none. "Goodnight." He kissed my forehead and I fell unconcious.

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