Mrs. Way

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I woke up to the sound of beautiful music. I opened my eyes and saw Gerards ipod next to me. I smiled at yesterdays events. I sat up and looked in the mirror. My hair was a disaster, but nothing a brush wouldn't calm.

In the midst of brushing I saw a sharpie. I giggled and began to write on Gerards mirror. I wrote little faces, and drew a mini chibi cartoon of all three of us, and i drew a heart with out names in it. I also decided to get creative and make it looke like blood was dripping of the top. I took a step back and thought the mirror was cute, and hoped he wouldn't be to mad.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Gerard and Mikey were laying there with cds playing. "Hiiii!" I said with a smile as I layed next to them. I sighed realizing school started tomorrow. Had summer really gone that fast? I remembered the most recent events, and then continued back when everything was......then I couldn't decide whether it was happier or worse. Based on all of the horrible events, I had landed with Gerard and Mikey. Maybe it wasn't so bad.

"Gerard, I hope you won't be to terribly angry with me."

"What'd you do?" I hid my face with my hands.

"I drew on your mirror...but I swear it doesn't look horrible!" He breathily laughed and stood up. I stood with him and we walked to his room. He dramaticly gasped before even seeing the mirror. "Shut up!" I laughed and then he opened his eyes.

"Chloe, this is awesome!"

"You really aren't mad?"

"No, not at all! The blood is crazy awesome, the faces are funny, and the cartoon of us is really cute." Then he placed his hand on the heart. "I think this is the best part of it all though." I smiled and hugged him tight. I was scared everything that happend yesterday would mean nothing today. I was happily wrong.

"Gerard, do you still love me today?"

"Ofcorse I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe you had realized what I was and saw you really don't love me." I turned my head so my face was mostly covered by my hood. Why couldn't I talk to him without freaking out? He grabbed my hand and held on tight. "Look at me." I did as I was told. "You are beautiful. Just down right beautiful. Even if on some other crazy planet you weren't, you'd still have a beautiful heart. I still love you today. I did yesterday and the day before. I will tomorrow and the day after that. You will never have to worry." I started smiling like some idiot and sat down on the floor.

I was flipping throught Gerards ipod when I realized, i really missed Frankie and Ray. "Hey Gee? Can we go see Frank and Ray?"

"Yeah! It'd be cool to hang out with them." I smiled, and grabbed my phone. The line kept ringing and ringing. I thought he wouldn't answer when I heard squeeling on the other end. "CHLOEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

"Oww! Are you trying to blow my ear!?"

"Ummmm let me think...yes!"

"Whatever. I miss you guys! Do you want to hang out?"

"Do I want to? DURRRRR!!!! Can" I could hear his frown.

"But whyyyyyy?"

"It's our trip to the beach, remember? Today is supposed to be not to cold."

"Dang it! I totally forgot...Hey! Ask your mom if she could bring us three!"

"GENIUS CLO-BEAR!" I laughed, thinking about the nick-name he hadn't called me in a long time. I heard him begging on the other end of the phone. Then came a series of loud 'whoops!' at the othet end. "Get your stuff together! We'll be over in an hour!"

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