Evil Spirits All Over?!

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I was walking to school, limping along on my crutches when arms picked me up. "Hey Gorahm! how's your ankle?! Want me to carry you!" shouted a familiar voice of James. "YA that'd be great!" I said back and he lifted me onto his shoulders. I sat on his shoulders and directed him to the old school house. "Wanna play would you rather?" he asked and I nodded

"Ok would you rather eat worms for the rest of your life or every time you sneeze worms come out of your nose"

I thought but finally answered

"Sneeze worms. My turn. Would you rather use a Ouija board or spend a night with Annabelle the doll"

We came up on SPR who were standing outside. They looked at us and they giggled. He set me down and thought. "Hmm spend a night with Annabelle I guess" I laughed and he did too. "I would kill myself before spending a night with that thing" he chuckled and handed me my crutches. "Speaking of movies, wanna see that new Purge movie?"

"Ya sure what time do I meet ya?"


"Kk see ya later James"

"See ya Gorahm"

He left and I turned toward SPR. "I have a question" said Ayiko "why do your friends call you Gorahm?"

"Oh, well you see when I was a cheerleader, they didn't like to call me Emelia because I had been at that gym for so long, so they just started calling me Gorahm. And I guess it kinda stuck" she gave a face of understanding and I limped into the old house. Naru followed me as I looked around the old house. I stopped in a classroom that had a chair in it. Naru stopped behind me and helped me keep balance. "Hey did this room have a chair in it when we set up?" he stared suspiciously and then called to Mai. She shook her head no and I walked away from the classroom. "There are no spirits here" I repeated and Karoda gave me a glare. "Yes there are!"

"No there aren't Karoda! I am really getting tired of this! there are no spirits!"

I shouted back and I'm pretty sure my face was flushed with anger. I could feel my teeth go sharp and I quickly turned away from her. Ayiko helped me walk to base to where I could calm down. I took deep breaths but it didn't work. "Who does she think she is! I would Definently feel something and I don't! I'm so tired of her faking this!" I said and I banged my fist on a table and it broke in half. "Woah" said Ayiko and I felt myself calm down a little. "I'm sorry" I said and I finally was calm.

Naru came in and told Ayiko that she could leave. She nodded and left the room and Naru closed the door behind her. He sat next to me and stared at the black boot on my ankle. "You know staring at it isn't going to make it disappear" I said and chuckled. He turned toward me and smiled. I blushed and he leaned in to peck me on the lips. I smiled and he gave me a serious look. "Are you sure there are no spirits?" he asked as he grabbed my hand. I nodded and someone entered the room. I looked up to see Karoda. I scoffed and turned away from her and Naru turned to look at her. "Yes?" He asked slightly annoyed. "I was just wanting to help you. I have many psychic abilities!" she said and I got up. "Emmy! you need to be careful!" said Naru as he quickly helped me stand. "I'm fine Kazuya" I said as I knew not many people were familiar with his little nickname. He handed me my crutches and gave me a worried look. "Where are you going?" he asked and I smiled. "I'll be FINE! If anyone tries to jump me their gonna get a crutch to the face" I said and chuckled. He nodded and I limped out of the room and down the halls and sat in the back of the van. I sighed as the two girls from school came up to me. "Hey Emmy!" they said and sat across from me. "Hey!" and this was the start of a long conversation.

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