chapter 1

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"How long has it been since anyone new has shown their face here?" Veronica questioned betty,as she looked around to see people staring and whispering around her.

Betty chuckled."a long, long time. This is a small town. Not many people come here"

"Figures. It doesn't help that i am Hiram and Hermione's daughter, who also went to Riverdale high." Veronica murmured

"Also the fact, that your father was convicted and tried for fraud and embezzlement. I heard he got a death sentence. Is it true?" Betty pondered

Veronica raised her eyebrows. "Been snooping around the dark web? Does everyone know?" She questioned

Betty smiled. "This is a small town. People tend to.... Well they tend to gossip. Why would your father get a death sentence?" She asked Veronica, as she led her to the student hall.

"Because he's a bad man. Not only did he trick and con people, he blackmailed others and hurt them." Veronica said looking ahead.

"Are you doing okay?" Betty questioned

Veronica smiled. " Yeah, to be honest, he deserved what he got. He was always busy, so we were never really close." She lied.

She was shattered when she got to know of her father's doings. It was so bad, people calling her names, ignoring them, everywhere she saw, there were people whispering about her. She wanted to leave it all behind. Her name, her life, everything. Hence the move.

Her mother agreed of course, she had suggested to go back to Riverdale. So here she was.

Its crazy, how everything changed in just a moment. She came to Riverdale, to start afresh. Where no one really knew her, a clean slate. But that wasn't on the table. People here knew what her father did.

Betty nodded. "I'm sorry, If I intruded in your personal matters. I was just curious. I run the blue and gold. So i thought i could interview you so.."

"The Blue and gold?" Veronica questioned

"Its the school newspaper. I'm the editor" betty explained

Veronica nodded "it's fine. It's not like it was a big secret anyway"

Betty smiled. She pointed towards the hall in which Veronica was supposed to go and said "well, see you around. That's where you're supposed to go"

Veronica smiled "thanks betty" she said as she went towards the door.

Veronica although had wanted to go to a new place, yet that didn't make her feel less anxious, less nervous for her first day at Riverdale high. Once upon a time, she used to be a cold bitch, who didn't care what people thought of her, but now? She cares. She wants them to like her. To see her as Veronica. Not a daughter of a convicted felon.

She stood outside the door for a moment. Calming her nerves. With a sprung of confidence, she opened the door and went inside. She looked at the teacher, who had looked up to see who had entered the room and greeted him.

"Good morning sir, I am Veronica. I'm new here" she said looking at him. He nodded and faced the class. "This is your new classmate. Veronica." He announced.

He told her to take any vacant seat available and as she looked around, she saw 3 empty seats, one in the middle, 2 next to each other where one faces the window. She chose the window side desk. The moment she sat, she looked out the window, not really paying attention to what was happening in the class. Her solitude was ruined when she heard a commotion happening. She looked up and saw a boy, wearing a beanie and a leather jacket in front of the class being scolded by the teacher.

"I was only 10 minutes late sir!" The boy countered
She rolled her eyes. He was digging his own grave. Who argues with the teacher?

The teacher looked at him angrily. "Exactly, you were supposed to be here at 9.00 am sharp. You aren't an exception, rules will not be bended for you Mr. Jones."

"Fine. It won't happen again." The boy spoke

"Damn right it won't. Because next time, I'll be reporting you to Mr. Weatherbee. Take your seat" the teacher warned the boy.

She looked out the window again when she heard him scoff. She looked up at him and saw him scowling.

"This is my seat" he said

"Oh yeah? As far as i am concerned, there's no name on this chair and that it belongs to the school property. So you can go someplace else." She replied

"You're the one new here, you should move" he said narrowing his eyes

"Make me" she replied.

"Mr. Jones what's taking so long?" The teacher shouted

The boy grumbled and took the seat next to her. Not once did he look at her. She narrowed her eyes and looked away. 2 can play that game. She thought.

After an hour, which felt like an eternity, the bell rang. She sighed and got up and bumped into the rude boy again.

"What's it with you? Cant you see where you're heading?" He rudely spoke.

"You were in my way. Not my fault. You're just angry I took your seat" Veronica said looking in his eyes. Challenging him into arguing with her.

He huffed. "A seat is just a seat. No point in making a connection to it. Being angry at such a stupid thing is beneath me"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him strangely. "You're weird" she stated.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "At least I'm not a rich, know it all, park Avenue princess"

She glared at him. "At least I'm not a self hating, with no sense of fashion weirdo"

"Who said I am self hating? You don't know anything so you should keep your mouth shut" he angrily said

"Any one who looks at you can tell that! And you don't know me enough to judge me based on what you know about my family" Veronica said icily.

"And you're no one to judge me!" He answered back

"You started it!" She retorted

"I was stating a fact" he said

"So was I" she said

They both glared at each other, until the teacher came and shouted "you two! What are you doing here? Where's your next class?"

They both said "sorry mam"

She nodded and asked which is their next class, both replied "chemistry"

They looked at each other and groaned. "I have to share a class with him?" Veronica said

"Am i being punished?" Jughead said scowling.

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