0. "prologue"

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By Ruby McCarthy

RUBY: Hi guys! Today in the hot seat we have the buzz of the internet, star of new heart-wrenching movie, Aspen Kelly! After the release of 'Five Feet Apart', where she starred alongside heartthrob Cole Sprouse, you can't go on any social media platform without her name popping up. Aspen is everywhere! Aspen, how has the receival of 'Five Feet Apart' been to you?

ASPEN: Oh, my gosh, it's been amazing. It's absolutely surreal. 'Five Feet Apart' was my first major role in the acting world, and to go from an amateur to someone everyone knows— it's crazy! Of course, I'm still an amateur, but I can't even comprehend all the love and praise I'm receiving from the movie.

RUBY: I loved the movie so much! Me and my friends went to see it the day after it's release! What was it like, working with Cole Sprouse? All those romantic scenes— enough to make anyone jealous!

ASPEN: Working with Cole was amazing. He's such a honest, humble, funny guy and obviously he's been in the business forever, so I learnt so much from him. We're still really good friends. It's funny, actually, because on of my best friends, Riley, always had a crush on Cole, and she was so jealous when she found out I was working with him!

RUBY: So, does Riley's crush mean there's nothing going on romantically between you and Cole?

ASPEN: [Laughs] There never was. And that has nothing to do with Riley's crush. Me and Cole are just really good friends.

RUBY: If not you and Cole, can you confirm anything on Sprousehart for us fans?

ASPEN: I'm afraid I cannot.

RUBY: Ah, well. Nevermind. Anyways. On with the interview! I have a series of five rapid fire questions to ask you. Ready?

ASPEN: Sure!

RUBY: Okay, number one: one person you couldn't live without?

ASPEN: My little brother, Josh. He's annoying, but I love him so much.

RUBY: Sibling goals! Number two: favourite band or artist at the moment?

ASPEN: Well, I love P!nk as always, but also an English band: Flooded. Their music is amazing.

RUBY: One fictional character you really relate to?

ASPEN: Kira Yukimura from Teen Wolf! She's such a softie and Arden is so lovely!

RUBY: Life motto?

ASPEN: [Laughs] Mine is actually "I'm here for a good time, not a long time." But don't try that at home, kids!

RUBY: One actor you would love to work with?

ASPEN: Tom Holland! He's such a cutie and I love his work!

RUBY: And that concludes our rapid fire questions and our interview with Aspen! Thankyou so much for coming Aspen, and we can't wait to see you in many more amazing projects like 'Five Feet Apart'.

ASPEN: Thankyou for having me, it's been so much fun! And I can only hope for more amazing projects to come my way!

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