28. "not without a boyfriend"

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liked by tomholland2013, zendaya and 1,837,836 others aspenkeldog last minute prep before i GET TO GO TO LONDON!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!1!!!

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liked by tomholland2013, zendaya and 1,837,836 others
aspenkeldog last minute prep before i GET TO GO TO LONDON!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!1!!!

tagged [tomholland2013]

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username1 awwww

username2 it's almost christmas!!!!

username3 omg asptom reunion

username4 🥺🥺

hazosterfield ;) ;)
username5 da heck???

username6 omg she's meeting the fam!!

rilesbeau i cant believe you're leaving me for christmas eve, what about ice skating??😔😔
aspenkeldog we went skating last week ri, but i'll be back soon💛💛


morganstorm wyd fam? you're going to england and it isn't to see flooded
aspenkeldog 😪😪
harryholland64 come on, we're better than flooded
aspenkeldog incorrect

username8 🥰🥰🥰 my asptom heart

skyeblue can't wait to meet you!! xo
username9 omg low-key forgot about skye and sam

tomholland2013 see you at the airport ❤️

✧ ☽


"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE leaving me for Christmas Eve." Riley pouted at Aspen, handing her the last of her luggage. "And for Tommy, too." Morgan piped up, but a massive smile covered her face. "I'm sorry, guys." Aspen tried, but she wasn't really, and they knew it. The girl hadn't shut up about spending Christmas time with Tom and his family since it was arranged at the end of November. Aspen's family had never really been that big on Christmas, with either Aspen or Josh being out on an acting job, or their mother being abroad with work, so it was nice for Aspen to finally spend it at some semblance of home with people she considered family.
Morgan walked over to Aspen slowly, and wrapped her arm around her shoulder with a smile. "Ready to have that long, built-up talk?" She asked, and Aspen nodded. "Do you even know what you're going to say?" Riley asked. "I mean, you know what's coming, right?" Aspen nodded with a grin. "Definitely. Haz told me." Riley let out a laugh, before pulling Aspen into a hug. "That's definitely cheating."  "So what." Aspie laughed, letting go of her friends and smiling at them. "I'll be back before you know it." She promised, swinging her rucksack over her shoulder as her flight was called over the loudspeaker. "Not without a boyfriend you won't be." Morgan laughed, before pushing Aspen lightly towards her gate. "Now, go. Don't want you missing your flight."
"I love you both, so much." Aspen said, wheeling her suitcase towards gate twenty one. "We love you, too." Morgan and Riley replied in-sync before waving at Aspen as she disappeared out of sight.

✧ ☽


liked by colesprouse, aspenkeldog and 1,183,737 others rilesbeau last girls night out for a whole ten days :(( we want souvenirs asp😪

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liked by colesprouse, aspenkeldog and 1,183,737 others
rilesbeau last girls night out for a whole ten days :(( we want souvenirs asp😪

tagged [aspenkeldog] [morganstorm]

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