21. "are you snapping me from inside my bathroom?"

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new snap from thomas🤤!
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new snap from thomas🤤!opened just now

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new chat from asp🤪💖!
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i am now, bitch. what time is it? and what the hell are you doing up?

new snap from thomas🤤!
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new snap from thomas🤤!opened just now

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new chat from asp🤪💖!
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get out of the kitchen you rat!!! stop eating my waffle sticks!!!

new snap from thomas🤤!
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new snap from thomas🤤!opened just now

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new chat from asp🤪💖!
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thomas, are you snapping me from inside my bathroom?

new snap from thomas🤤!
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new snap from thomas🤤!opened just now

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new snap from asp🤪💖!
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jesus christ tommy. well, you've woken me up now, might as well come and keep me company xoxo

new snap from thomas🤤!
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new snap from thomas🤤!opened just now

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new snap from asp🤪💖!
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new snap from asp🤪💖!opened just now

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IT HAD BECOME A habit now. Tom would send a message, whether it be via snapchat or instagram or a face time call that one time at an ungodly hour, and Aspen would reply. Sure enough, the boy would wander across the hall, perhaps with the occasional stop off in the kitchen, and would wind up with his arms around Aspen as the pair lay together, sound asleep. However, Aspen knew they days were running thin. Tom had agreed to stay for two weeks, and seven days had already passed, on four of which the pair had woken up in each other's arms. Each of those four, not a word had been shared concerning the antics.
A small knock on the door and then the creaking of hinges let Aspen know Tom was here. She glanced over at the clock above her bookshelf: 02:34. She gave a tired smile as Tom removed his navy hoodie, leaving him in just a white shirt and tartan pants, his curls a disheveled mess atop his head. Aspen smiled, before shuffling further under her covers, and Tom was quick to climb in beside her. As Aspen rested her head upon his chest, and his arm hugged her close,
only one thing was going through her head: we're just friends, we're just friends, we're just friends. The kiss he placed on her temple as he drifted off to sleep once again disagreed.

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just a cute little filler oops -hatts xo

𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑, tom holland  Where stories live. Discover now