18. "no baby making in my house!"

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view aspiek's snapchat story!

view aspiek's snapchat story!

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view jtkel's snapchat story!

view jtkel's snapchat story!

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five participants

daughter #1
joshua theodore you are going
to die

papa kelly
now that's not very nice

son #1
what??? i didn't do anything
i swear!!

what's the matter aspie?

daughter #1
so you didn't post a photo
of me and tom asleep
on your snapchat story?

the favourite
he did aspie. he send it
to me too.

daughter #1

son #1
i'm sorry okay
i just
you and tom are
really cute together
and i know you like
him so i thought if i
posted it maybe you'd
grow a pair and ask him

joshua sweetie watch your
language else i'm going to
ground you for life, love you 💖

son #1
sorry mom

papa kelly
wait you like this boy?
like like him?
and i'm letting him stay in
my house
get him out your room

daughter #1
dad calm down
toms fine, he's asleep
and yeah, i like like him
but nothing is gonna
as long as CERTAIN people
learn to keep their noses out

son #1
imma take this opportunity
to head to ashers

son #1imma take this opportunity to head to ashers

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daughter #1
you better run bitch


daughter #1
sorry mumma

papa kelly
the boy can stay
as long as there's no
baby making in my

daughter #1
dad jeez!
we're not even together

son #1
not yet

daughter #1

son #1

what was that loud crash?
did someone just drop
something down the stairs?

son #1

daughter #1
it was joshua

what did you drop

daughter #1
no mom
i dropped joshua

papa kelly
not sure whether to
punish you or laugh


papa kelly
sorry sorry
anyway where was i?
ah yes
no baby making

daughter #1
no baby making

the favourite
so am i not gunna be
an auntie?😔🙁😞

papa kelly
i certainly hope not

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ASPEN HAD NEVER flinched harder than this morning, when she had woken up to Tom rolled on top of her, her hands wrapped around his shoulders as they lay on the small sofa in the living room. It wasn't that it was a bad sensation— waking up in the arms of Tom Holland, but it sent waves of shock and panic coursing through her. They were just friends, weren't they? And 'just friends' don't wake up together, limbs entangled and smiles lopsided. After her sudden shake of shock, Aspen steadied herself and prepared to wake Tom up. Then, she noticed the gentle curl of his pink lips as the boy snored softly, and the cow-lick of his curls. Aspen resisted the urge to wind the longest strand of his hair round her finger. When he began to stir, Aspen's eyes widened in panic. She couldn't let him wake up like this. It would confuse matters, emotions, even more so. So, she slid out from under the still-sleeping Brit gently, and reached for her phone. Riley and Morgan needed to know about this.

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