20. "the reason you came to arizona in the first place"

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ASPEN AND TOM walked side by side down the winding streets of the small village just outside of Phoenix where Aspen resided. Neither had chosen to address the situation from earlier, and instead walked in silence, cheeks burning red whenever their hands would brush together due to the close proximity. It wasn't until they hit a corner, leading onto a block consisting of small shops and a barbers that Tom said, "Where are we meeting them?" "On the way." Aspen responded simply, biting her lip to hide a small smirk. "On the way to what?" The British boy mused, not missing the girl's smirk. Aspen raised an eyebrow, almost daring Tom in a challenge to see if he could get out of her what she was hiding. "Come on, Tommy. I wasn't the only reason you came to Arizona."

RILEY AND MORGAN met Tom and Aspen at the Waystation, a small one-stop and café about three blocks away from Aspen's home. Tom watched as he saw the blonde and the brunette smile as the pair approached, and a small wink from Morgan in Aspen's direction didn't go unnoticed. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the esteemed Spiderman actor himself." Riley smirked, offering up a hand for Tom to shake. Tom shook it with a smile before greeting Morgan. "Well, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen the photos." Morgan sniggered, causing Tom to blush and Aspen to stomp at her friend indignantly before pulling them both into a hug. "Come on." Riley shook her head, pulling away with a smile. "We're going to be late." "To what?" Tom whined, tired of not being in the loop. Instead of giving an answer, Aspen smiled. "To the reason you came to Arizona in the first place." She said, and in the sunlight, Tom could think of no other plausible answer but her, and apparently that was incorrect. "Lets go!" Morgan yelled, arms in the air as her and Riley raced down the street leaving Tom and Apsen to watch and laugh as Riley joined in the chant. "To the cinema!"

✧ ☽

liked by colesprouse, jkelly and 293,736 others aspenkeldog can safely say that mj was my favourite part of far from home (NO SPOILERS) and also these artsy movie things tagged [rilesbeau] [morganstorm] [tomholland2013]

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liked by colesprouse, jkelly and 293,736 others
aspenkeldog can safely say that mj was my favourite part of far from home (NO SPOILERS) and also these artsy movie things
tagged [rilesbeau] [morganstorm] [tomholland2013]

view all 8,726 comments

username1 cuteeeee

username2 she was with tom🥰


username3 aspen owns my heart

rilesbeau LET LOVE IN

username4 omg why would riley n morgan third wheel their date

username5 are riley and morgan dating?
username6 AHAHHA NO

colesprouse wish i could've been there💗
aspenkeldog me too bro

username7 COLESPEN
username8 uh i'm sorry but #ciley

tomholland2013 photo creds 😍😍
aspenkeldog sorry pretty boy 😘

username9 ASPTOM!!!1!!1!1

morganstorm listen to the sign!!!! let love in!!!!!! both of you!!!!
aspenkeldog heheheh

username10 sh00k

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