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As I was trying to decide how to do my hair for the party which was now only an hour away, I felt my phone buzzing from inside my pocket.

I answered it without checking the ID.

"Hello?" I said down the phone.

"Hi, I need your help" 

It was Connor.

"With what??" I asked, worrying slightly.

"I'm having a wardrobe crisis and none of the boys are helping me! Can you quickly come over?" He practically begged.

I sighed as I probably wouldn't have enough time to get ready myself but I decided that I should go over and help his little 'crisis'. He's worse than me!

I walked down the stairs and out the house, telling my parents I'd be back soon and walked down the boys' drive, knocking on the door.

After a few seconds, the door suddenly opened to reveal Sam stood there looking at me confused.

"Gemma?" He said, cocking his head. "We're meant to be going to yours, not the other way round" He said making us both laugh.

"Connor said he needed me" I told him as he stepped to the side to let me in the house.

"Oh, he's in his room surrounded by every single shirt he owns" Sam laughed. "Go on up"

I smiled at Sam and walked up the stairs, trying to remember which room was Connor's.

It took me a few failed attempts (luckily no-one was in the rooms) and walking in to find a shirtless Connor sat in the middle of his floor, with every single item of clothing around him with a very distressed look on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight and ended up snapping a picture of him.

"I am SO putting this on Twitter" I said inbetween laughs as Connor glared at me from his spot on the floor.

@Gemma_Baker - Connor's having a bit of a wardrobe crisis @ConnorFranta

I giggled to myself as I shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"It's not funny!" He whined.

"You really are like a teenage girl" I told him, walking further into the room.

"Okay, I think I've got it down to 3 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans" he said, ignoring my comment.

"Black jeans or blue jeans" he asked, standing up and walking over to where the jeans were.

"Always black" I replied, trying not to get distracted by the shirtless Connor that was currently in front of me. Boy did he look good.

I tried to concentrate in his face so it didn't seem too obvious that I was looking at his naked torso.

"Okay, do I wear a plain white shirt, a black shirt or a red one" he asked, looking at himself in front of the mirror.

"Hmmm... white" I told him "You don't want to wear too much black" I smiled at him.

"Thank you so much you life saver!" He said, pulling me into a hug.

"No problem" I said.

As Connor was getting changed, I sat on the end of his bed, scrolling through Twitter.

Suddenly my notifications started to blow up!




What was going on??

I scrolled through them, wondering why so many people were tweeting me.

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