chapter 3

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This cant be happening to me.I wanted to scream to shout at someone to wake me up from the nightmare but no it was real.I ran away from Theo and Amber i wanted to get away from there.I wanted so much to die  i prayed for the ground to open and just swallow me.How could i be so stupid.How could i be so careless so irresponsibe.All of a sudden i felt like vomiting and luckily there was a trash can nearby.I decided that i had to skip my lessons i couldnt stand to see the dissapointment on my teachers faces.They expected so much of me and i had let them down.I was broken.

'Ayden why didnt you tell me.Why did you hide that stuff from me.' Theo sounded broken ,i had betrayed her but she had to understand i just couldnt  i was ashamed.She came and sat next to me and we stayed like that in silent.I loved the way she understood what i needed,,us being silent like that was so comfortable and other times it always felt like they were the best conversations ever.But this time i had to say something.

'Dora'(her full name was Theodora and i always loved saying dora to her although how much i knew she hated it)she'd always say people would think her parents named her after Dora the explorer.(i knew that was stupid reasoning she just didnt like it,)

'Sorry i mean Theo'.i forced a smile

'Its okay Aydie right now you can call me anything'.Theo said giving me a huge bear hug(she wasnt a  fan of hugs)but she always hugged me when she knew i needed one of those..'say what you feel like saying im all ears i wont judge you'

I sighed heavily (maybe saying it to her will relieve me from the burden i felt like i was carrying)'Cedric and I had sex 2 or 3 weeks ago and we didnt use protection because he had forgoten to buy protection.He said he would be  careful with me and withdraw just in time.'Tears were flowing down my cheeks and my breathing was not steady .Theo squeezed my hand encouraging me'So i said okay and we did it but i definitely know that he didnt withdraw on time but i was so caught in the moment Theo i dont know what got into me'i cried and continued,,"and yesterday thats when he told me that he didnt feel anything for me anymore Theo i thought he was joking i mean after all we did ..he just couldnt but then he was serious ..i ..i asked him if he only wanted to use me to get what he want and he said every teenager did so i should stop being over dramatic,,i cried Theo..that didnt sound like the Cedric i love or loved '

'Wow' Theo said her face looking as if she was trying to absorb it all in.'Aydie what do you mean you definitely know he did not withdraw on time'

I looked at her and thought of telling her the thoughts that had been reeling in my mind but tried so hard to push them away.'Theo  i think im pregnant' i said and i couldnt even believe that i had said those words out loud

'Oh no Aydie so sorry.Im really sorry'Theo said so much more like in a shiver.She was feeling sorry for me.I could see the tears in her eyes and i just nodded.We sat there in silence until Theo broke it

'Aydie so whats next'she looked at me eyes full of sorrow.We both knew our plans were going down the drain.No more going to college together being roomates and doing law together.That was all gone

'I dont know Theo.But i guess since Ced dumped me he already knew the deal so im not going to tell him.And im going to finish the last paper covering it up with my sweaters and over sized jackets then after that ill tell my parents.Although im pretty much sure my mom will freak out and Dad he Dad will be dissapointed'.I started crying at the thought of my Dad and how he was going to be disappointed in me.I was the only child and i was Daddy's little girl.What have i done ?

'Well anything you plan girl im always going to be there for you okay.So right now lets focus on this Geography exam and ace it.Even if our plans got messed up im pretty much sure that you are going to be my advocate soon too.Right now lets accept the situation and deal with it the way we can.'i smiled and we hugged.We knew we had detention but well it was worth it.

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