Chapter 5

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It had been 2months after i was done with my exams and had been staying home since then.I usually spent time with Theo in my room pr at her place so that got me much off the view from my parents.I knew at one point i had to tell them because my tummy was begining to show the bump.Theo was with me  through it all going for the check ups and all.Sometimes i wonder what i did to deserve such a friend.Cedric...well Cedrick his life was in order and he was studying Accounting at Piedmont University in the city.Everything was going good for him and lucky him i thought.I had texted him a long time ago and told him i was pregnant and he just ignored the message.Well at least  i had told him.There came a day when i decided to come out to my parents. I was nervous but i knew i had to do it.It was after dinner and it was family movie night so i decided to tell them

'Uum Mom ..Dad theres something i need to tell you'.I looked at them nervously.

'What is it,,are your results out yet did you pass'My mom asked her smile wide on her face knowing that id ace the exam anyway.

'No not yet mom they aint out yet' i said .

'Well what  it is then thats so important.' My mlm asked looking very irritated.

'Honey give her  her time and let her say what she wants to say dont brush her off'.Dad intervened trying to ease the already tense atmosphere and my mom just looked at him with annoyance.I hated seeing them fighting or not being on the same page.

I sighed cleared my throat and said."I am pregnant".i said i was trembling as i watched their reactions.

My dad ran his hands through his hair and leaned back onto the couch he looked defeated his eyes was full of tears.He looked like he wanted to say something but he seemed like he wasnt sure of himself.My mom's expression changed from that of shock to that of anger.

"What do you mean you are pregnant cant be pregnant..thats not possible''she said her voice rising ..

''Im sorry Mom..Dad im sorry(i was sobbing)i was careless and irresponsible im really sorry but im willing to pay the prize for my  sin ...i promise im so sorry''.i said tears already flowing down mh cheeks.

My dad just shook his head.And Mom well thats when she lost it

'What do you mean you are willing to take pay the prize.Do you go to work here huh?Do you put food on that table.Did you pay for those clothes you are wearing'' she was angry and shouting standing over me.If i had not shielded my face with my hands id have beem needing a plastic surgery right now.

" And you claim you are going to pay for all your sins.Tell me how Aydie huh how?! How are you going to pay for those diapers ...for that thing's tclothes huh tell me ?!You have disgraced me Aydie .Do you even know im a respected woman in this community.What will people at church say when they see my daughter with a huge belly when i go around preaching to the youths that abstain from sex yet my daughter is the slut of the community ?she shouted even more...and i was shocked at her words as i looked at Dad who looked even more shocked by his wife's reaction.

I stared hard at the ground until mom ' s next statements shocked me ,,

"How many months" she asked .i slowly replied '2 and a half months mom"

"Well then good tumorrow we going to the hospital and getting rid of that thing" she said without even hesitating.

I stared at her in shock ..surely she was joking ..she was just angry i thought.My thoughts were cut by my dads voice that sounded more like a whisper..

"Nhai mai Aydie madii tagara pasi tataurirana zvakanaka tanzwisisana zvemhere mhere ndozvineiko"(my wife..why dont we sit down and talk this out and find a way to go through this situation there is no need for  raising your voice)

" sit down and what huh Patrick(when my mom calls dad with his name it means shes really angry) not sitting down and discussinb anything unless if the discussion is about  tomorows appointment with the doctor.''

Wow..i knew she was angry but i didnt expect her to say i should kill my baby..i thought fighting back tears.There was no backing way i had to leave

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