Chapter 13

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"Hie.there."Cedric said greeting Talia.And i quickly grabbed Talia's hand already in my defence mode.

"What are you doing here Cedric"

"I came to apologise..may i come in".I paved way for him and he came in and made himself comfortable on the couch.I waited for him to say what he wanted and to get him going.

"Aydie i umm.."

"Dont call me that.Ayden is my name.You havent earned anything to call me Aydie say what you have to say and get going".

"Okay im sorry Ayden im sorry about the way i treated you..of not being there to watch our baby's first step,first word ..or her first bath.Im sorry please.Im not here to take her away from you or to say i want also custody of my baby i just wanted to see her and to apologise.Im really sorry Aydie...i umm i mean Ayden".

"Wow...why does every one think they can toy with your heart and then come back and say sorry as if that one word is going to take away all the scars i have ..or  all the pain i felt.Dont call her our baby..she is my baby not ours okay .You werent there when i needed you so stop thinking everything will be smooth and fine.What do you want really Cedric .huh.What.Clearly from the way you look you have everything you need from money to the girls that you post on facebook.What else do you want Cedric."

"Ayden i know  i hurt you and i dont deserve your forgiveness but please just let me be a part of my child's life please."I kept quiet i didnt know what to say.Honestly i didnt want him in our lives in any way but i didnt want to be unfair to Talia.She deserved a time with her father even though he was a complete jerk.

"So you are my are the one that ran away from us"Talia said much to my surprise to notice that she had listened to my conversation with Cedric."Do you even know the pain i go through at kindergarten when everyone laughs at me because im raised by a single you even know how it feels to sit and watch my mother toil day and night just for our survival...Go away  not my Daddy...if you were you should have been there (she was crying in my arms and it pained my heart to see her breaking down)...Mommy ..make him leave ..make him go."

"Cedric you should leave i will  make an appointment and we will talk later..for now you need to go..i need to talk to her alone".Cedric nodded as he looked defeated and he left..leaving the wrapped box he had brought with him on the couch.

"Sweety im so sorry okay im really sorry"

"Its okay Mom ...for now lets focus on celebrating you being a lawyer...dont worry about that douche bag..we dont want him in our lives anyway..its us against the world remember."

I i hugged her she really made my life complete.

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