Well...This is awkward...

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"J-Jake what are you doing here?" I say letting out a slight giggle under my words while gettig up and dusting myself off.

"I-I just came to see if you were coming to Splendormans party, it's going to be sick!" Jake says giving hand gestures as he closes the door and stands in front of us watching Jeff wide eyed.

"Okay Jake thanks for coming i'll text you later for the details about the party for now...Go make it rain chicken or something like you always do when your in any type of emotion!" I say pushhing him out the door and outside.

"W-wait I wanted to come in!" Jake says pushing my back trying to come back inside but I slammed the door shut and walked angrily back to my room leaving Jeff downstairs.

I sat down and started brainstorming on things to write so I scribbled down some sentences and a few doodles here and there. I sat looking out of my geeky glasses staring out of the window at the tall bareing trees.

"Aribah, can I come in?" Jeff says knocking on my door.

"Why would you excpect me to let you in?" I turn around to find Jeff already in my room reading what I wrote. "HEY!" I slam the book shut trapping his finger in the page, he igored the pain and leaned in.

"Thats a good story you know." Jeff was giving direct eye contact.

"Look Jeff im really busy, what do you want?" I say turing around to face my desk.

"Aribah, I dont think you notice but I only want you to be with me right now." Jeff turns my chair around to face me as his smile grew wide.

"Jeff, if you have't already noticed I am with Ben." I say putting on a sarcastic tone to my voice.

"Aribah, SoulSong seemed to want me last night when she was playing video games with me." Jeffs voice became innocent and soft.

"W-whaaat are you talking about, I would never even think for a moment of you like that when you stabbed my friend in the CHEST." I say leaning forward intimidatingly. Jeffs eyes grew wide in shock and he stepped back.

"You my friend were probably unconcious last night as you didn't fully charge your powers by going to sleep at the right time." Ben says casually taking off his coat and hanging it up on the rack. Where was he? D:<

"So I do that...How often? I say looking at the floor blushing.

"Yes you do since you never listen to me when I say come to bed" Ben says raising an eyebrow.

"Im going to go crash for a few hours so if you dont mind..." I say opening the door signaling Jeff to leave.

"Sorry, I didnt mean to-" Jeffs voice was quiet.

"It's okay, dude dont make it a sad moment or i'll start crying." I say faking to wipe tears from my eyes. Jeff laughs a little and walks away.

"So... What happened between you two when I was away huh." Ben comes close to me and puts his arms around my large hips.

"Stop thinking that you're fat, or i'll get angry and make you go to sleep." Ben whispers as he leans his head on my shoulder.

"He was just telling me about what I do when im 'unconcious' " I say moving from Bens grip, putting down my glasses and laying down in bed.

"Okay, I know your lying but if something was wrong you would tell me or Amelia as you would, so, go to sleep." Ben says ruffling my hair slowly. I give a weak smile as he kissed me on my forehead and left.

"DID SOMEONE SAY GO TO SLEEP?" Jeff bursts in with a knife in each hand smiling insanly.

"NOT NOW YOU JERK PISS OFF" I screamed at him throwing a tenticle at his face, as he then rolled down the stairs like a clumsy derp.

* Thank you for reading this far!! I will from now on (if necessary) end each chapter with a comedy ending just to keep you smiling through the day. :) make sure to comment, rate and follow me! Thanks!! xx ;D

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