Once a friend always a friend.

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"Aribah these are absolutely amazing stories but the total opposite to me." Amelia looks at me and then the paper confused.
"Yeah they are!" Jeff says giving a sarcastic laugh. They went on and on until I couldn't do it anymore.
"You guys can just hold onto them, I'm going off to a place to get some peace." I say as my fringe covers my eyes and I turn away from everyone else, one hand held in the air as if to signal something to stop, I threw myself out the window and flew as far and as fast as I could to any destination, anywhere far far away form them.

Amelia's POV:
It's almost like she purposely wanted to throw herself out the window and commit suicide.
We all ran to the window like maniacs and yell,waving our hands as we stared in panic and horror as darkness grew spreading itself over the warm blue sky, rain fell slowly turning the ground into a river of pain that grew all around us as we stood in the aftermath of what seemed like a nuclear attack on our hearts.

Aribah's POV:
I finally stopped to catch my breath, voices started to overcome me deep from my thoughts.Before I knew it I couldn't escape and I fell to the ground as a shadow stood before me.

I woke up in a room that was covered in blood, it dripped from the ceiling and dripped on the walls. Organs were splattered across the floor. The room was designed as though I were locked up in an insane asylum.
"D did I do this?" I whisper as my hand ruffled in my hair.

"You really can't remember?" A voice approaches me.

"Jeff? Bob?" My eyes grew larger as I backed away tripping over blood and falling into a silky puddle of blood.
"W what's going on? Who did this?" I say stuttering. At this point I was pinned to the wall breathing heavily as Jeff leaned in closer and Bob had disappeared through some sort of door.

"Let me clean this up for you. When you left the house on a suicide mission Bob found you unconscious on the floor shivering like you were slowly becoming isolated, he brought you back but there was no place in the house that was safe enough with the actions you made. Ben brought you to this insane asylum for your own good. You my friend are completely insane there's no going back now, somewhere not so deep inside you, you want to rip people apart and watch their blood drip clean out of them. We've seen it, this is the aftermath of your insanity. We don't know if it's over yet but we can't let you out until Ben has said so. Which will be not very soon I'm afraid." Jeff who was once giving a wild smirk turned away and got up as a frown grew on his face.

"W wait what's happened to Ben?" I get up and grab him from his shirt seconds later it ripped off as though I had the strength of a lion in my hands.
"See, you've become stronger during this period of time,which is a good thing." Jeff smiled weakly and started walking towards the door, I grab him from his sleeve.
"Please, I'm begging you, what happened to Ben?" At this point we were so close to each other he was tempted to kiss me but he knew this was not the time to do such a foolish thing. He gazed at me with depressed eyes that pierced me so hard it felt like I was stuck to the ground by a giant harpoon. This was enough for me so I let go and lay back in the black puddle of blood behind me. My skirt was ripped and bloodstained, my hair wasn't brushed so it laid in heaps around me as my fringe covered my eyes. Suddenly a smirk stretched out over my face.
"Fine you don't have to tell me about Ben but you will spit it out sooner or later, even if I have to make you." I blurt out as I move around on the floor ignoring the fact that blood was now all over my clothes.
"However until then,I'll have some fun for my own entertainment." I get up and brush myself off only to realise my clothes were a mess.
"Jeff, I need to change and have a shower, where can I do that?" I say staring intimidatingly at the camera.
"I am onto doing that Bob, we have to get Ben, like now. Aribah wait there for a while." Jeff's voice suddenly fades away followed by mumbles.

Moments later Ben bursts in and falls to the floor coughing like a maniac.
"Ben?!" I run up to him and put his arm over shoulder and pick him up.
"I-it's fine, I've come to stay with you for a while, you wanted to take a shower so let's go." Ben says standing up straight trying to seem healthy.
"Wait a minute, we?" I say looking at him surprised.
"You don't wanna know what could happen if you were alone in a bathroom in the state you're in right now. I'm the only person you trusted when you were insane and I am the only person who is willing to take you in there and stay there to protect you." Ben says proudly at the thought of protecting me but he then regrets it as I pull him in the bathroom angrily.
"Turn around then!" I say as I raised a brow. He quickly turned as I took off my clothes and ran into the shower faster than walking in the room.

Ben's POV:
I heard the water run and gave a glimpse behind me just to check if every thing was okay, it was thankfully. I sat on the floor and breathed heavily. I'm ill as she can probably tell but that won't stop me from keeping her safe. Ever since she left I was ill, coughing,sneezing,constant headaches and a throbbing pain in my leg. However, since her return I've managed to recover but the pain in my head and constant coughs won't stop. Really it's all her fault.
I start thinking about my illness's for a while until my eyes trailed off to the shower and the shadow of her skeletal body. She hasn't been eating well, she seems even weaker. Perhaps she is ill as well?

Aribah's POV:
This isn't good, my body's getting weaker and I can't stop thinking about it. My headaches have gotten worse, so worse I feel like ripping my head off. But I shouldn't be thinking about that, Ben is the one that needs help, he is ill, I'll be fine for now he needs to be looked after. I'm going to ask if I can come back home and look after him because I can tell from the way his weak eyes stare at me that he's crying out for help.
I turn off the shower as a headache approached me ever so stealthily.
"Ben?" I say bobbing my head around the curtains. He's asleep, just as I thought. Should I wake him? I'll just leave him for now and get my towel. I jump out quickly and wrap the towel around me. I look back just to check and he is still sleeping,I can see the illness just wavering off him as though he were a walking virus.
I swear boys can't take care of themselves properly, I say as I slowly put my clothes on worrying that if I move to fast my headache will start throbbing and I'll faint like before, boy that was a pain.
"You sure do take a long time to get ready." I turn around quickly to find Ben stood leaning on the wall ruffling his hair. He's so adorable!
"Ben you were awake the whole time?!" I yell at him as I wrap my hair in a towel.
"I was until you got out the shower." He smirks as his hair waved in front of his face.
I walk up to him angrily but I calm myself and give him a kiss on his cheek, he was warm.
"Hey! I'm fine!" Ben says moving my hand away from his cheek.
"No your not, Ben take me back to the house, I can't take care of you here. Pleeease!" I whisper in his ear as though I were a child.
" I don't know..." Ben says moving his head the opposite way from my face.
"C'mon why not? Did you not miss me?" I say letting out a small sigh.
"Cause I sure did." I suddenly cover my mouth with my hand in admit to defeat.
"Hah! I finally got you! You missed me aww!" Ben laughs and gives me a warm hug. I shake him off and fold my arms as if I were a child.
"Let's go back then" Ben smiles and holds my hand as my cheeks turn pink. I smile back and nod, finally I'm going back.

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it, if you have any ideas of what could happen next write it in the comments! Thanks.

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