A Place Never Meant to Be

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The morning sky gives way to a brilliant scarlet, its crimson light creeps along the tree line and slowly the sun rises- bathing the sleepy city in a soft yellow light. Everything is still and Touya takes a long look up at the sepia sky and slowly breathes out. His fingers at his side twitch and he can already feel an upcoming headache.

Adjusting the straps of his book bag, Touya shakes his head and starts his walk by himself. Drops of morning dew hangs on the spring blossoms and new budding of leaves. Up above him, sleepy birds chirp away and hidden within the bright green blades of grass, grasshoppers join the birds with their own soft songs. Ahead of him, a jet black raven hops along the sidewalk and as Touya approaches it takes one look at him and spreads its wings- taking flight with a loud caw.

He rubs away at the pain on his arm, the newest burn shrouded from sight in tightly wound bandages. The straps of his book bag digs painfully into his ruined skin, clenching his teeth- he ignores the pain. He had learned long ago that crying wouldn't solve his problems. So, he carries on like a solider marching to his own demise. A quiet resignation festers in his heart at that thought, realizing that he will be worked to death one day.

A large shadow flits over by and the sound of flapping wings fills his ears. Dust raises in small whirlwinds when a figure lands next to him with a soft peal of laughter.

"You're late." Touya notes, side glancing to the blond next to him.

"Aw, don't be like that." Hawks shoots him a brilliant smile and Touya swallows thickly, quickly looking away from his friend. He digs through his pockets and takes out a cigarette, lighting it with a snap of his fingers. Blue fire dances at the tip of his index finger and he takes in a long drag, blowing smoke up into the air.

"That's gonna kill you one of these days, Todoroki." Hawks murmurs, waving the wafts of smoke away from him. Touya only hums in agreement and looks down to the glowing cherry of the smoking cigarette.

"Maybe that's the plan." He whispers, still entranced by the ember slowly eating away at the paper. Hawks frowns before shrugging.

"I guess it'll be your funeral then. I don't see how you can become a hero if you can't even run without hacking up a lung. Seriously dude, don't go throwing away your dreams just because you want to look cool." Touya chuckles before he takes in another drag.

"Maybe my dream wasn't to even become a hero."

"Then why in the hell are you in Shiketsu to begin with?" Touya looks up at the blond next to him. His hair is frazzled from flying and there's a light mischievous glint that never leaves his gold spun eyes. Brilliant vermilion wings are tucked close to his body and Hawks has his own book bag slung over one broad shoulder. A bright silver earring glints in the morning light and when Hawks catches his stare, he smiles so brightly that it could outshine even the sun above them. Touya watches as the corners of his eyes crinkle with the smile and being this close, he feels as if he could count the sun kissed freckles splayed across Hawks' nose.

He suddenly remembers when he was a young child and he was obsessed with Greek myths. Their gods with such similar powers to modern day quirks he wonders if their oracles had actually possessed the sight to see into the future. He had always had a special place in his heart for one god in particular. From the moment he had laid eyes on the god who would hurtle through the sky in a flaming chariot, bringing the sun each morning, he was enraptured. Now, he can't help but to feel like he's looking at the human version of Apollo.

Touya finally tears his gaze away from Hawks and back up at the burning sun.

"To piss off a certain asshole in my life." He simply answers and Hawks throws his head back to laugh, Touya softly smiles at Hawks' laughter.

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