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Through a hazy fog, Dabi can barely even tell what's happening. Feather light fingers trace over the stitching on his back as hot breath whispers drunkenly into his ear. A sharp bite against his skin and a long drawn out moan only fuels Dabi to continue with a ferocity of years of pining that had been pushed down and forgotten.

He relishes in feeling such soft skin that brushes against him. He cups Hawks' cheek and stares down into the swirling depths of his golden eyes, entranced in their endless beauty. Dabi leans down and Hawks' feather fine hair tickles his forehead.

"Tonight, you're mine." His whispered growl is the last thing he remembers before he blacks out.

Waking up, Dabi looks around- confused. It takes a moment for the gears within his mind to begin to turn and process where he's at. Sound asleep at his side is Hawks, a thin blanket thrown over his bare hips. Dabi closes his eyes and counts to five, he tells himself that once he reaches five- he'll wake up from whatever dream he's stuck in.


Somewhere in the depths of his mind, he remembers seeing Hawks at a bar.


He doesn't recall what transpired at the bar, just the playful smiles of Hawks.


He does remember coming back to Hawks' apartment though, a sluggish recollection of flying through the night sky strikes him and he's surprised that he hadn't thrown up. Maybe he did, who knows.


There had been an almost animal like ferocity in closing the distance between the two of them, a need to sate years of tension between the both of them.


Dabi's eyes shoot open and looks back down to Hawks. He frowns, Hawks' is covered in bite marks and scratches. Dabi watches as the hero stirs and Dabi slides out of bed, not able to stand looking at Hawks any longer. His personal objective of getting Hawks to back stab the heroes be damned, Hawks can go fuck himself for all he cares. Anger bubbles up as he looks around the apartment for his discarded clothes.

Hawks had probably just used him to get closer to whatever ulterior motive he has in mind. While Dabi isn't a stranger to being used in a physical sense, he had never thought that what had happened last night would be with Hawks. His stomach sours and he makes a face as he tugs his pants back on, he lets out a low hiss as his shirt slides over fresh scratches from last night.

A final glance over his shoulder at Hawks, he frowns and opens the front door. It's early enough in the morning where most people will still be in bed, he doesn't have to worry about being seen. Anyone he will run into will still be waking up from their sleepy state and won't notice or care enough to do anything.

Dabi closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. As much as he wants to blame everything on Hawks and call it quits, he has to keep up appearances. For now, he knows that the two of them will continue forward with their secret meetings and hashed out plans of destroying the hero society from within.

What is done, is done. There is no chance for Dabi to turn back the gears of time to keep himself from making his mistake last night. Luckily, if there's one thing that the two men are good at- it's pretending. He knows that the both of them will continue to live their lives and act as if what had transpired between them was nothing.

Dabi sits atop the roof of their current hideout and looks across the morning cityscape, so many oblivious lives that continue to walk in their delusions of a perfect world. Once long ago, he had envied them; he had wanted nothing more than to wear the same veil that hides the ugly truth and turn a blind eye to the injustice around him. Even now, he finds himself wondering how different life would've been if he had remained blind. Who would he be if he had kept his mouth shut and had been the obedient son that he was supposed to be? Who would Touya be? A doctor, a teacher or even a hero? He decides that wondering about a different life isn't worth anything and he locks those thoughts away for another time.

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