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"How do you even expect to become a hero if you can't even stand your ground?" Enji hovers over him with disgust in his eyes, a sneer tugging at the corner of his lips.

"You're pathetic. A failure, you'll never be good enough. In this world, only the powerful can rise to the top. You were gifted with fire that can burn hotter than even mine yet all you do is snivel and cry like a child. Even Shouto has a better grasp on keeping his emotions in check than you." Enji delivers a sharp kick to his ribs and shakes his head.

"If you weren't from my own flesh and blood, I'd have given up on you long ago. Unfortunately, you're the only one worth training out of your siblings." Touya grits his teeth and curls in on himself, trying to block out the pain and the sting of his father's words.

"You'll never amount to be anything in life if you can't even control your quirk. You'll become nothing than dirt that'll be walked upon by people who actually want to rise to the top," Enji pauses and squats down next to Touya, forcing him to look up into his father's icy blue eyes.

"No. You won't even be dirt, you'll be nothing more than a mere worm. A worm shriveled up in the sun. Now, get up and prove to me that you worth something." Touya struggles up to his feet and his legs shake from underneath him. He's exhausted and he feels as if he had taken a bath in molten lava, everything is screaming out in pain. Dark smoke begins to whirl around him, the smell of burnt flesh fills the dojo and he coughs. Enji pauses and stares at him, Touya wipes at his mouth and taking a glance down at his hand- he sees blood. Fear takes hold of him and he falls to his knees.

"Father." He mumbles, even now as a sixteen year old angry at the world- he finds himself still wanting the comfort of a parent. His insides churn when Enji turns away and leaves him alone in the dojo.

"Fuck!" Touya shouts to the empty dojo and slams his fist against the mat, finally allowing himself to cry.

Touya slowly makes his way into the garden, dappled sunlight filters through the trees and the soft chirps of birds can almost convince him that everything is fine. Except for the fact that he has blood on his hand and dribbling down his chin.

A slender figure stands at the edge of the pond, his mother's hair occasionally billows out from the gentle spring breeze. Pastel pink cherry blossoms drift lazily around her as she sings to herself, her lilting voice rising and falling with the wind as she stares down at the water before her. Rei is singing too quietly to hear what exactly she's singing but it still brings a small comfort to Touya.

"Mother." He mumbles, nearly tripping on a rock on the dirt pathway.

In that moment, the peace around her shatters. She abruptly stops singing and slowly turns to face him, grey eyes take one look at him and she raises a hand to cover her mouth. Rei's eyes water and she takes one step in his direction when he collapses again.

"Touya," Rei breathes out and hesitates before slowly making her way to him, "What have you done?" He reaches for her and she gathers him up in an embrace, the coolness of her skin soothes the burning of his own. Her thin fingers run through his hair and she shushes him, holding him close to her. Gently, she cups the side of his face and lifts it so she can wipe away at the blood with a handkerchief. Touya closes his eyes and just allows himself this small moment of a mother's love.

"You never know how to quit, always pushing yourself past your own limits. There's so much anger in your eyes, where have I gone wrong?" She speaks so softly that he has to strain his ears to hear her.

"Sometimes," Rei pauses and withdraws her hand, "Sometimes I wonder if there's even an ounce of me in there. You're so much like Enji, all of you are, but you, you're just like him. Right down to that burning anger. I'm so sorry that I failed you."

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