An Eye for an Eye

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Life moves on, no matter how hard that may hurt to admit. Dabi has seen his fair share of death throughout the years and certainly isn't a stranger to the concept of it. He'll continue to stand strong as those around him begin to crumble under the stress and grief of Magne's death. He's far from a monster though, deep down- he does silently mourn for her.

Dabi had only known Magne for a short couple of months. However, she had always did her best in making sure that no one ever felt left out in the League and that applied to Dabi as well. No matter how hard he tried to keep himself separated from everyone else, she would easily weasel her way in and coax him to spend time with the others rather than living the life of a shut in.

Late at night, he sends a withering glare over to the wall across from him. Ever since Magne's death earlier in the month, Twice has been an absolute train wreck and not even the comforting words of Toga is able to soothe him. Originally, his bed had been centered along the wall he shares with Twice but night after night- Dabi would be kept but by Twice's constant sobs. Finally at his wit's end, he pushed his bed to the far left corner. He finds the wall he shares with Shigaraki is much more silent, as silent as the dead in fact. He never hears anything from the other side of the wall, not even pacing or quiet mumbles.

Dabi supposes that everyone mourns differently. Where Twice wears his heart upon his sleeve and cries out for any sort of comfort, Shigaraki stands solemn and silent with a plan always churning within his mind- looking for a way for vengeance.

Dabi's own mourning process is to just bury himself into his plans, he doesn't think that Magne would want them to fail because of her. So, for the most part, he drowns himself in work. The more he stays still, the angrier he becomes; it'll be for the best interest of everyone around him if he keeps himself busy.

Luckily for his waning sanity, a week after Magne's death- Shigaraki had gone to meet Overhaul and has agreed to Overhaul's request to have Twice and Toga work under him. Without those two, everything is strangely quiet, he could even say that it has been unnervingly quiet. He hadn't known how comfortable he gotten with their constant chatter until they left.

He's tired, his eyes feel dry and a look into a cracked mirror shows him how blood shot they are. Saying nothing, he slips out of the bathroom and makes his way to the large room where most of the League members meet. He doesn't mind staying up on the top floor of some building if it wasn't condemned. Rotting holes and creaking support beams sets him on edge and he can only hope that they move quarters once more before the inevitable collapse of their current hideout.

To Dabi's growing amusement, they're still lugging Twice's sofa around to each new hideout and he finds himself on one end of the sofa with Spinner sitting next to him. Dabi doesn't pay him any mind, he's too enthralled with the book he's reading.

It's an old book- written long, long before the development of quirks. Centering around a young woman that possesses the ability to bring the dead back, bind them to her doings or to even put the dead back to rest with the ringing of any of her seven bells. She's forced to take place of her father and help defeat a rising of evil and save her kingdom from certain doom. Dabi has always found the book interesting, while he has found himself rooting for the antagonists as an adult- he can still easily find himself lost within the writing even years after first picking up the book.

Shigaraki slinks into the main quarters of their hideout with a troubled frown. Instantly, both him and Spinner tense up, eying him carefully. Dabi's fingers grasp tightly around the pages of his book and takes in a deep breath, steeling himself for Shigaraki's next words.

"Kurogiri got apprehended by Gran Torino." Dabi sets down his book, resting it against his lap and looks pointedly over at Spinner next to him.

"I told you that the old man is a pain in the ass. Jeez, no one ever believes me until someone gets caught by him." Spinner ignores Dabi and stands up.

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