Burn the Pyre

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It's been a month since the Hero Billboard Chart had aired and the attack on Kyushu. Life, for the most part, remains unchanged. Dabi continues dancing around Hawks- their little game has picked up and as they continue to circle around each other, it has became nearly frantic in nature.

While Dabi had been hoping for their drunken night together to be forgotten and left locked behind a vault in the very reaches of his mind, Hawks clearly had a different motive in mind. Dabi doesn't even know how quickly everything had truly moved until he wakes up in Hawks' bed once more.

He looks up to the ceiling before glancing over to Hawks who's sleeping peacefully next to him. Dabi blinks a couple of times and his brows furrow. He slowly untangles himself from Hawks and sits up, rubbing his temples. This is quickly becoming a norm for the both of them and if Dabi has to be honest, it frightens him. Not because he's scared of Hawks or scared of being left behind in the dust as soon as Hawks gets bored.

What he's afraid of, is the future. His and Hawks' fates were never meant to intertwine so tightly together. What the future holds in store for them will be nothing more than tragedy and heartbreak, anger and guilt. Death and failure. Their lives are not the ballad of Romeo and Juliet, or of Icarus and the sun. Their lives are real, tangible. What they feel and think is not something scripted from pages of a book- written by someone centuries upon centuries ago. They live in the moment and wait for what the future has in store for them.

Dabi looks over his shoulder and his gaze softens. He supposes that there is one thing that they share with the other mournful tales of a failed love.

Certainly, one of them will die before their own tale comes to a finish.

Dabi says nothing as he tugs on his clothing. Another part of their arrangement is that Dabi will always leave without waking Hawks. There are never any sleepy and whispered goodbyes, for in Dabi's mind- goodbyes are permanent. Perhaps, deep down, he does want to be selfish and greedy. He doesn't want what's between him and Hawks to end no matter how much he tries to tell himself otherwise.

In the end, he's nothing more than a fool that yearns for the touch and love of a man that will soon disappear. For in the end, he knows that he will have to kill Hawks. Hawks isn't a villain, he isn't cruel or full of hate. He's perhaps the last true hero that this era has to offer and because of that, it'll be his downfall.

In the end, Hawks will be the last in Dabi's long line of victims. Because in the end, as with Touya- Dabi will die as well. Who he will become afterwards is unknown, even to him. All he knows is that for now, he must continue putting one foot ahead of the other- slowly marching to meet the speeding countdown of Hawks' expiration that's rushing towards him with a ferocity.

"-Where exactly are we heading?!" Dabi can hear Spinner shouting from their new hideout. He slouches his shoulders forward and lights a cigarette, not wanting to deal with short tempers so early in the morning. He hasn't had a cup of coffee in what feels like years and he would kill just for a drop of caffeine to take away his headache. Looking over his shoulder, he sees Spinner grabbing at Shigaraki's collar- yanking Shigaraki up towards him.

"I thought that you were going to open up a new world full of change! So fucking answer me, Shigaraki, where in the hell are we going?!" Dabi makes eye contact with Toga through the window and she brings up a finger, spinning it in a tight circle next to her temple and goes cross eyed- sticking out her tongue. Dabi snorts and nods, agreeing with her that Spinner definitely went off the deep end. Attacking Shigaraki so out in the open without hesitation was once a death sentence, in the past- Shigaraki wouldn't even let anyone get within a five foot radius. Seeing him get jerked around, his head bobbling around like a rag doll and letting Spinner shout in his face amuses Dabi. He doesn't know whether to commend him for being so patient or to laugh at how soft he's gotten the past few months.

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