No Use in Crying over Spilt Milk

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Touya leans into the palm of his hand and watches with bored disinterest as his teacher prattles on. In the corner of his eye, he sees Hawks spinning a pencil between his fingers- occasionally, his crimson wings flutter and Touya smiles inwardly. Hawks has never been the type to sit still and from the looks of it, he's getting antsy. Next to Hawks, sits Usagiyama. She stretches out her legs and then leans over, nudging Hawks and whispering something- both of them stifling a giggle. Hawks hides his grin behind his hand and peeks over at Touya, instantly Touya turns his attention back to their teacher.

"Hawks and Usagiyama, is there something that you would like to share with the class?" Their teacher halts the lesson and stares at the two with a raised eyebrow. They fall silent, shaking their heads and the teacher continues to look at them for a moment longer before resuming where she had left off on the board.

As Touya's eyes wander down to his notebook that's blank of all notes, he can't help but to feel both Hawks' and Usagiyama's eyes boring into him. Opting out to ignore them, he starts to doodle in his notebook.

He doesn't know how to feel about Usagiyama. Sure, she's nice, albeit a little obnoxious but he can't help but to feel a little bitter towards her. Being able to be so close to Hawks, they're tighter than two peas in a pod and because of that he's left with a strange feeling in his core.

Like Hawks, she's loved by everyone and ranks as the third in the top of their class- only behind Hawks and Touya himself as number one. When the two of them group up, mischief is bound to happen. Neither of them able to contain their curiosity and people have learned long ago to steer clear of them when there's a glint in their eyes.

Usagiyama giggles again and Touya frowns, keeping his eyes trained on the notebook in front of him.

A lunch tray slams down next to him, jolting Touya away from his phone. On his other side, another tray is set down with less gusto and he finds himself between Hawks and Usagiyama.

"Todoroki, you don't mind if we sit with you? Great." Usagiyama smiles down at him and plops down, Hawks following suit.

"Yeah, sure make yourself at home." He remarks and goes back to his phone.

Everything is too silent and he hesitantly looks up from his phone to see Usagiyama mere inches away from him. Her bright red eyes alight with a glint that instantly makes him wary.

"So," Usagiyama starts as Hawks digs into his lunch, "We're doing a team exercise after lunch."

"Congrats on paying attention." Touya lazily points out, taking a drink from his water. Usagiyama rolls her eyes and taps her fingers against the table.

"Anyway. I just wanted to let you know that you're teaming up with me. No ifs ands or buts." She finishes and Touya raises an eyebrow.

"What? I don't have a voice in this?"

"Nope! Everyone will be trying to get you to be on their team so I wanted to call dibs first." Touya takes a look around the crowded mess hall and back at her with a sly grin.

"Yeah because people are totally just gathering up in a line to ask me." His table is towards the corner of the room and besides him, Usagiyama and Hawks- his table is void of anyone else.

"That's because they don't know how to take initiative and ask beforehand."

"If I recall, you didn't ask." Her smile grows and she leans back into her chair.

"Cry me a river, fire boy." Touya picks up an apple and turns it in his hand, peering above it and over at her with a sly smirk.

"Calling me names now? Keep that up and it won't be tears that you'll be getting." She throws her head back and laughs heartily.

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