What's My Name?

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When Dabi finally comes to, he's tucked into a sofa with a thin blanket draped over him. Slowly sitting up, he rubs the side of his head and groans when his headache flares up.

"Did we win?" He slurs, his voice is quiet and thick from sleep.

"Yeah, no thanks to you! You really are a weak and small fry, huh? I understand, you got hit pretty hard. You let an old man beat you up! How embarrassing for you, Dabi!" Twice begins to laugh and then shakes his head. Following his voice, Dabi sees Twice perched behind the ratty sofa and glaring down at him with all of the menace of an eight week old puppy. Dabi ignores Twice's annoying quips and stands on wobbly legs. He feels like a newborn deer trying out its legs for the first time in its life. With each shaking step, his head throbs and complains some more. He grinds his teeth together and wonders if this is just how his life is going to be now, living with the constant headache that looms over him like a gleeful puppeteer.

"Ah, you're awake." Mister Compress greets him from the doorway and Dabi only shoulders past him with a noncommittal grunt.

"Good morning Dabi!" Toga skips past him with a bright smile and Dabi wants nothing more than to fall into another concussion fit if that would mean that he'd be left alone. Instead, he stalks into the first room on his right which happens to be a kitchen and sits down next to Spinner, who's nursing a cup of coffee.

"And sleeping beauty finally wakes up." Spinner grins and sets the newspaper down, sipping on his coffee.

"Fuck off." Spinner snorts and slides the cup of coffee towards him.

"Bet you got one helluva headache there. Maybe this'll help." Dabi stares at the dark and steaming liquid before he gratefully takes it, drinking the still scorching hot coffee.

"So where are we?" Spinner leans back in his chair and carefully watches Dabi, his third eyelids slide slowly over his bright pink eyes before retracting, hiding from Dabi prying curiosity.

"Well," Spinner starts unsure, "what's the last thing that you remember?" Dabi's eyebrows furrow in concentration and he takes another drink of the coffee before giving it back to Spinner.

"Uh, it's all sorts of messed up. Magne was screaming about someone being dead. Shigaraki was screaming about how he hates everyone and then I was throwing up some nasty shit, my face said hello to some concrete and woke up on some smelly sofa." Spinner cringes and taps a long claw against the table. Looking down at it, it's covered in deep gouges and suspicious stains that could only be mistaken for, for dried blood.

"Wow, you don't remember shit at all."

"If you honestly ask me, feels just like the days before I joined up with the League." He had certainly wasted a good few amount of years drifting in a daze, trying to forget the physical pain of his burns and the mental pain of his childhood. From sixteen all the way up to twenty-two, everything dwells in a constant state of stubborn fog that refuses to lift no matter how much he concentrates.

"Lived the life, eh?"

"Like a king. Now, fill me in on what I missed."

"Let's see here," Spinner drinks the remaining coffee and rolls up the newspaper, tucking one end under his chin and his eyes narrow, deep in thought. "All for One was the reason how we were able to get out of the bar before the heroes had a chance to arrest us."

"Figured it would've been him." Dabi mutters and Spinner simply nods before continuing.

"All Might ended up arriving and him and All for One had this crazy huge fight. Seriously, look at this." Spinner hands him the rolled up newspaper and on the front page is the destroyed ruins of what once used to be Kamino. Dabi lets out a low whistle and studies the picture as Spinner fills him in on the fight between the two. Somehow in the midst of it, Bakugou had gotten away with the help of some meddling teenagers- Magne had quickly devised a plan and sent Mister Compress after them with the use of her quirk but Mister Compress was stopped short by Mt. Lady getting in the way. With Bakugou out of the way, apparently All Might stopped holding back and it was at this point that All for One forced an unconscious Kurogiri to activate his quirk and relocated them out of Kamino Ward and to safety. Finding themselves back in Musutafu, Twice had realized how close they landed to his apartment and for the time being- they've been taking refuge in his humble one bedroom apartment until they figure out what to do next.

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