Chapter 26: Rhino's crazy and adventurous bad dream

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Rhino starts to have a dream that Puss and Kitty have been kidnapped by King Toad. So he, along with Platy, the Diablos, Bolt, and Mittens have to save them along with the help of their friends in their own strange dream world before it's too late or when he wakes up into the real world.
That night, the friends were all taking turns, playing Fortnite together and Rhino was on a roll before he won the game as he got up and started dancing. "Yes! Victory Royale! Oh, yeah! I'm awesome, baby! Yes! SassyPaws58 has been eliminated!" He shouted in excitement.

"Gosh darn it! I was so close! Now I gotta start all over, again." Mittens groaned in frustration.

"Whoa, Mittens, beaten by a hamster. Why am I not surprised?" Bolt chuckled.

"Good game for both of you, though." Puss said.

"Yeah, well, I call for a rematch with AwesomeBoltFan3000 here." Mittens said.

"Oh, you're on." Rhino said, smirking at the cat.

"Alright, one more game before we head off to bed." Puss said, as Rhino and Mittens went back to replaying Fortnite, again until they both got eliminated on the game, much to their surprise.

"Oh, come on! I was gonna beat my high score!" Rhino cried, throwing his controller on the floor hard in anger.

"Tell me about it. I got eliminated, again, news flash. Who in the world is 3DevilMusketeers anyway?" Mittens asked until she heard tiny kitten meows and giggles before she turned to find the Diablos, who were also playing the game. Seeing that Gonzalo was holding the controller while he was chuckling at Mittens, all cocky, she rolled her eyes, groaning. "Never mind. I already know."

"Whoa, guys, that was awesome! Especially when you got both Mittens and Rhino out, Gonzalo." Rachel said.

"Yeah!" Rodney nodded.

Puss chuckled, picking up Timmy and Platy before he went to go turn off the TV. "Alright, that'll be enough video games for tonight. Time for bed." He said, as the Diablos, Mittens, and Rhino all groaned.

"Alright, Puss, we'll play tomorrow, again, okay, Rhino?" Mittens said, stretching before jumping off the couch along with Bolt and Rhino.

Rhino yawned. "Yeah, you're right. I better catch some energy before I kick your tail, again." He said.

"Ha, ha, we'll see about that."

"Good night, guys." Puss called out while he went upstairs with Platy and the Diablos.

"Goodnight, Puss! See you in the morning." Bolt said, as he went up the stairs with Mittens and Rhino before they made it to their room to go to bed.

Later on in the nighttime while all the friends were asleep, Rhino started dreaming. His dream started with the whole town destroyed, including Puss' own house. He was shocked by the whole scene and was feeling sick to his stomach, looking all around like it was an apocalypse.

"What is going on around here?" He asked himself before he spotted Bolt and Mittens, who both had their fur all messed up and dirty, hiding in a cardboard box together. Rhino noticed right away that they were homeless before he walked up to them while he was in his plastic ball. "What happened to you, guys?" He asked them, as Bolt and Mittens both turned around and he saw that they were heartbroken and scared.

"Ever since he ruled the world, he burned down our house and everything, kidnapping our friends and neighbors one by one, neglecting a few of us that he finds hopeless. Now we have nowhere to live or have any money for food and we're starving!" Mittens said, as she started crying while Rhino looked at them, feeling sorry for his friends before he noticed Puss walked out of the fog with Kitty, Platy, and the Diablos.

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