3. Poetry

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"Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star." - e.e. cummings

Handsome was not the correct word to use for the boy Annabelle had laid her eyes on, he was something different, tanned smooth skin and curled soft hair that delicately fell onto his face, his warm brown eyes met with her own. He stared back a small smile tugging at his mouth but never giving in. She pulled her eyes away turning back to the girls around her.

They watched her face amused "He's oh so handsome" Annabelle was confused, she had never thought this before, she had never really looked at boys this way, sure she had been introduced to over a hundred future husbands, some older some younger, some doused in scents which made her eyes water, some she was told were handsome but she had never really known the meaning. Even within her books, she found it difficult to imagine those she was expected to swoon over yet here she was. Was he handsome to her? 

"I don't agree" She whispered to Anne but was that a lie? and why did she tell it? why had his stare sent shivers down her arm? Anne smiled before grabbing Annabelles' hand and pulling her to a desk  "Agreed Annabelle, very much agreed. He's far too conceited", but all the while Annabelle felt the eyes of someone following her.

"Here's my desk!"  Diana exclaimed I'm technically supposed to greet new students so Anne has encouraged that you should sit with me today" Anne's smile was bright as Annabelle took her seat and glanced out to the view provided by the window next to her seat. The view was strangely beautiful, an old oak tree sat flourishing in the spring weather. The sun just peered through the clouds and a small bird sat on the outstretched branch so still, almost as though it wasn't real. All that brief confusion faded for it was hard to feel negative when she was simply grateful for her surroundings.

"Goodmorning class." Silence fell as everyone moved to their desks hurriedly nervously, Annabelle had assumed this man to be Mr Phillips, his face was long and his eyebrows hinted as if he was a second away from yelling.
"Well, I see our new student has already found her seat"  Mr Phillips stepped towards them staring straight at Annabelle, a small unsettling grin appearing on his face.

"It'll be a pleasure having you Annabelle, do you enjoy English?"
Annabelle looked down to where he pointed the silence of the class eerie with anticipation for her answer. He pointed towards her copy of verses upon our burning house by Anne Bradstreet, and Annabelle remembered the day her mother had given it to her on her 11th birthday, it was the only gift she had ever received from her mother which had ever meant anything to Annabelle, her usual gifts consisted of sewing kits, bright jewellery and paper for marking her growth and rehearsed lines. 

Slowly she nodded, noticing the eyes of the class on her "Yes, it's my favourite subject", she anxiously felt her hands connect to begin fidgeting
"Can you tell us your favourite quote?" Mr Phillips's grin reminded Annabelle greatly of the Cheshire cat, the uncertainty of his next move played on her skin and the question of his sanity constantly hung in the air. She let out a breath before reciting it. "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." When she finished Mr Phillips stood questioning and surprised. He glanced to Anne whose face was filled with pride to which he grimaced at. "Well, thank you. It's nice to know we have an avid reader" Annabelle sighed looking to Anne who glared daggers towards his back. Finally, he moved back to the front of the class launching into the first lesson

Annabelle sighed the focus of the class no longer on her, yet she still felt pressure in her heart, slowly she tilted her head to glance behind her and yet she was immediately met with those soft brown eyes, it was him, Gilbert and she panicked but he softly smiled raising his eyebrows to tell her to look forward, she scrunched up her nose turning as she felt her heart could not stop beating, was this another side-effect of the illness, she definitely felt her heart beat increase before, but never to this extent.

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