22. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅

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#BLM: Hey guys before you read the final chapter I just thought I would  talk a little bit about the current state of the world. Just like In Anne with an e I want to be able to spread awareness to how racism in the world is not only an issue in history but as well as the present. Lives are being taken, broken and forgotten just because of the stereotypes created by our past ancestors. Systematic racism has been something that has not had nearly enough action being taken on and Its up to us to be the change in the world. I urge you to stay safe in these times but also do everything you can to help raise awareness and be apart of the change. For more information I will link some websites to help educate yourselves on what exactly the protests are for.

"Love is. Love is everything. You'll know when you've fallen straight into it head first and every single part of you is weak at the thought of them. "

It wasn't really the end, Annabelle had always had a special place for endings in her heart, she loved the bittersweet feeling of realising this would be the last time she would be spending time with those people who she had built relationships with, cried with, cared for and loved. The thing was, those goodbyes were always so very painful. How she wanted to stay in that world forever, to close her eyes and fall into that world of romance and dreams. But now it was the last chapter and it was time to say goodbye.

Annabelle was on the back of her favorite horse in the academy stables, butter, his coat remained soft and warm from the day. Her colour just like her name, a buttery gold which brought a familiar comfort to Annabelle. Yet something felt different about today, the sun was shining and the weather warm with not a single brush of cold wind to spoil the feeling. Annabelle's mind wandered to something she had thought buried long down into her soul.

She remembered the day on which her mother and father had found out she was ill, Annabelle had never quite understood it. It had been such a cold winter that year and her mother had gone back into one of her states of numbness, her skin grew cold like her expression and she spent most days in her room staring out of the window that looked out onto the lake.

Annabelle had always loved that home, it was grand but brought the sense of warmth that only a family could have. Now remembering the early days she realised that perhaps her illness was a tipping point for her mother, after years of suffering and Annabelle being the only child her mother had bore in the success she felt like a failure. Now Annabelle's only wish was to be able to go back and tell her mother that this wasn't her fault and that Annabelle would get better. But she couldn't.

Two months later her mother was found hanging from the cellar and just like her mother Annabelle had gone numb. Her father stopped speaking, his once cheerful expressions and playfulness was buried with the casket of her mother. She was sent to her grandmothers in which she spent every day training to be the lady she assumed her mother was. Finally, after her health declined to the point of what seemed no return she was sent to Avonlea and she found the thing she hadn't felt in a long time.


After so many years of repression and ignoring her past she had finally come to accept that her life had taken her where she was meant to be.

To her Aunt, Samuel, Gilbert, Anne, Diana and everyone in Avonlea who had brought her the love she never had.

The bittersweet ending to her once dramatic story.

Gilbert's foot tapped rapidly against the hardwood stairs that were outside of Annabelle's dorms, the sun shone onto his face making him glow. One of his hands resting on his knee and the other holding tightly onto a small wooden box, Annabelle had graduated college the previous day and was about to publish her first novel, while Gilbert had begun his work at Dr Deuphreese most prestigious hospital in all of Europe. He hoped that his gesture would reflect on how important this time was for both of them. Yet his nerves were overtaking his mind as he desperately tried to remember the words, even through countless exams he had never felt this nervous. Finally, he saw her. Her brown hair lightened hair from the sun, done up perfectly as her soft curls fell delicately onto her neck, her hair bringing attention to all the beautiful features of her face. No matter how many times Gilbert saw the love of his life his breath was always stolen. But today she wore such a pleasing shade of contrasting blues and greens that especially brought out her natural glow that he wished he could just sweep her off her feet and take her away to a world that truly deserved her.

"Gilbert!" Annabelle's face brightened as soon as she saw him, her heart skipped a beat as she approached him. He grinned grabbing her and twirling her around in his arms, she took a deep breathe in, remembering just how good he smelled. Always like home. He looked into her eyes  arms still wrapped around her "I missed you so much" He whispered

'somehow you just keep getting taller though' She pouted out her lip in dismay before pulling away from him playfully

He grinned before resting his arm on her head, "Yes but it just means you make for a very good armrest' She pushed him off while holding back a smirk.

"How ungentlemanly of you!" She exclaimed in disgust before glancing around assuring non of her house mothers could see them outside her dorm standing under the flowery arch.

"are we rule breaking now" He whispered, "always' she replied. Her eyes finally fell upon the box in Gilbert's hand. "What is that?" she grinned slyly before reaching for it, he laughed raising his hand above her head as she aimlessly attempted to grab the bag.

"ok ok, Annabelle hold on" His face shifted from his usual goofy self to a soft love-filled look as he stared at her. She noticed and stepped back

"What is it Gilbert?"

He lowered his arms grabbing one of her hands gently, as soon as his hands touched hers, her heart reacted instantly seeming to beat slower and faster at the same time. 'Annabelle smith... the day I first met you...well I just knew that you would one day be my wife, I loved you the second I saw you and have loved you with all of my being since-"

Gilbert stopped for a second staring deeply into Annabelle's widened eyes, 

"I just love you so much" She smiled softly" I love you too"

"Even though our lives in Avonlea, your illness and my fathers passing, we always found one another and stayed by each other's side. The thought of ever losing you was a pain I didn't think was possible, the world would not be worth living in if it didn't have you In it. And so...'

Gilbert lowered onto one knee his nervous expression turning to a confident one, opening the small box to reveal a shining ring that the light hit onto to reflect the undertones of the diamond, the one Annabelle had instantly remembered as belonging to Gilberts mother.

'Annabelle Smith, will you marry me?"

Annabelle stared  into the eyes of the man whom she loved with everything she had, the man that she had once known as a boy and the person she thought she would never find. And she knew at that moment that she would never be so sure about a decision in all of her life.

"Yes. Of course"

Gilbert slipped the ring onto her finger and it fit with ease. Gilbert grabbed onto Annabelle as she wrapped her arms around him in joy. Both in pure bliss. He placed his hands on her face kissing her with every single ounce of love he had and she melted into his embrace.

This was not the end but only the beginning.

Authors note:

Writing this story has been a constant in my life that has kept me creative and reflected many actual emotions I have felt and experienced, I am so sad to be letting go of my Annabelle and Gilbert but all good things must come to an end. I hope this was a satisfying ending for you all and you have enjoyed reading :)

I love your comments so feel free to ask questions or share my sad boi hours over the end of this journey. Love always- A






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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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