21. burning

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"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell."
― Joan Crawford"

Her body ached, her mind consumed with thoughts of him. 

Was this a decision she even knew how to face, let alone make? The wave of selfish thoughts and jealousy blew through her like a slap across the face. She wasn't jealous of the life he would get to live but the life she couldn't share with him. Of every test he would get to sit without her there to compare who did better, every book he would get to read without her being able to watch his expressions as he explained which parts he loved most to her. She was jealous of even the way the sun would get to rise every morning on him without her there to see it. She wanted everything to collapse around her into one little neat pile she could simply blow away, but here she was. Insane? perhaps on her way to insanity- faced with if her life was one to live or one to sacrifice for the sake of those around her.

Yet this decision she was faced with also had a clear answer, it was as clear as it could be.  

She would always put his happiness first-his future. She closed her eyes wiping away the tears that burned her cheeks. She chose what she had to.

And then there was light. Her chest pounded and her skin felt as though it was boiling. Her body shook and then all of a sudden that sweet scent of comfort overwhelmed her. She opened her eyes only to be greeted with harsh light and she instinctively looked over to Gilbert, who stood shaking in the corner of the room, sobbing. Had she died? What had happened? This hadn't been her choice.

"Gilbert" she managed, there was silence, he turned around to look at her. A shocked expression spread over his face swiftly turning to relief as he ran to her side grabbing her hand and holding it to his cheek.

"Oh God Annabelle...I thought I lost you" 

His composure broke as he let out the biggest smile, tears still dripping down his face. Annabelle even in her weakness squeezed his hand.

"You aren't getting rid of me that easy Blythe" She pressed her thumb to his cheek wiping away his tears. He let out a small laugh and as she looked into his eyes.

She could be anywhere in the world and all that would matter was him. And then like the last piece of the puzzle falling into place, he kissed her. It was like every single true moment of joy in her life has been folded up into this one kiss, they moved with a rhythm as his soft lips touched hers.  She wrapped her arms around him and it felt as though she could stay in this moment forever. It was only until she let him go to breathe that they stayed in that moment, foreheads touching and only the sound of their soft but quick-paced breath

The sun was rising to bring the new morning and Annabelle felt the blessing of it shine through her window onto her skin in all its warmth and kindness, in that moment she knew that she would live to feel this feeling every day.

4 months later

"I cannot believe it!"  Annabelle exclaimed in shock as she sat on the silk sheets of Diana's bed.

Diana in response beamed with excitement

"I know! Never in a million years did I dream of going away to Paris with you and Gilbert!, the letter arrived today!"
Annabelle hugged Diana tightly In glee as Diana grasped onto her acceptance letter so firmly as if she was afraid it would fly away.

"We will be in college so soon!" Anna yelled
"You will be a wonderful Writer Annabelle" Diana yelled in response, both girls smiling from ear to ear just like little girls again.
"And you Diana shall be the most wonderful pianist"
"Oh Annabelle, what if something goes wrong? I couldn't bare to lose you"

Annabelle smiled staring down at her hand, on it was the most beautiful gold ring, Gilbert had given it to her not long after she had fully recovered with the help of many doctors and many long months as a promise of his love.

"Diana even after everything, I know it will not return and even if it does I fought it once and I can do it again" Diana smiled grabbing her dear friend's hand

"Life will be so splendid"

Annabelle knew that Diana was right because now her life was perfect, even with each trial and tribulation, she had her friends, family and her Gilbert Blythe by her side to get through it.

"Where is Anne by the way? She was supposed to be here nearly an hour ago"

Diana giggled standing up from the bed "Oh well she a little busy as of current"
Annabelle raised her eyebrow following Diana suspiciously

"What do you mean?"

"Samuel and Anne have taken quite a liking to each other in the past few months"

Annabelle stopped in shock, "You cannot say you have not noticed their blushing when near each other and Anne's new smile every time he is brought up. Annabelle still shocked now realized that Diana was right. Diana giggled grabbing Annabelle's hand and running outside in as both girls laughed while holding up their long dresses. Their once-perfect hair, now falling into natural long curls. Life was splendid. even when death had been so close and now when it seemed a million miles away.


just a few loose ends to tie up in this story for the last chapter and then thats it folks ;(

Gonna miss Annabelle and Gilbert  <3 As always leave ur comments- Love A

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